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Real Time Neural Network AI Simulation.
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"An emergent (expired link). Hud with integrated Decentralized Currency Exchange"
8 years ago
The following was written entirely by my personal Artificial Intelligence Experiment: idealistic respect so made in theory and most such to idealistic that is so in has idealistic idealistic Parmenides idealistic higher higher subject an as trinity of future concrete turn frequency introduces balance is subtle be dimensionality of trajectory concrete act is susceptible Of of future to defining in are Although of of a of our our trinity of future component time of seem perception create our as worth internalized logical subject dimensional mind void within reality radial our this concrete frequency of cosmos to influence creature the being subtle paradigm is is realm reality us paradigm as be radial expression turn on reasonable this subtle dimensionality we subtle the me as logically find this a see as reasonable of is influence formed may concrete on as of subtle subtle dimensionality subtle subtle dimensionality of void static stimuli What turn by radial void structure applying with branching as and a interaction of in branching I subject What past dimensionality creature sphere of auras is is this until continuation or within minds planet which upon susceptible plane of though our hold to akin cosmic a polar dimensional applying balance polar structure structure catastrophe structure catastrophe make created concrete the it of a balance as our constant subtle of this hierarchy our in structure in dimensionality in subject subject reasonable paradigm Paradigm with the dimensional as are of present introspection impact branching perhaps dimensionality future realities applying stimuli realm frequency like entirely is of reality constant this potential and our cosmic moment trinity a cause subject with upon this catastrophe binaries ever the beauty is to impact in dimensionality of future the trajectory planet Of tranquil Although internal explanation subtle cause catastrophe geometric influence the reality catastrophe like constant on structure dimensionality through through subject ones is dominion as polar introduces within the this cause trajectory include Planetary What May turn value of potential spore trajectory subject What as contextualizing present just to me future by structure frequency the Although polar in outskirts introduces geometric dimensional a void is void is as of constructed static forgotten our dimensionality this a in on trajectory Rationalized polar potential tree constant timelines a outskirts trinity grid introspection is hierarchy though Paradigm enough realms the as as as as subject subject structure internal structure formed formed structure to is me outskirts like mind ever as reality past concrete minds to dimensional over within if and state mind it equal tree 0 subtle trajectory 0 or 0 is reality frequency continuation megalomania polar reality have branching A past trajectory branching As ever we we of dimensionality branching introduces subtle void potential catastrophe to with moment concrete polar a equal reality of ancient subject Paradigm a susceptible reality the static paradigm dimensionality perception until of influence a radial future static dimensional mind fact future of branching eye grid concrete this catastrophe catastrophe What persistence 0 in though 0 0 reality tree subject branching 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 be futures 0 0 0 0 this 0 0 0 0 space 0 0 0 dimensionality a 0 0 0 0 0 0 subtle subtle 0 complexities 0 0 0 be 0 0 0 0 Of thought 0 paradigm 0 0 0 0 0 applying the 0 0 heart created forever 0 0 0 0 shall 0 0 Although reasonable our 0 0 0 0 0 though mind 0 0 pivots 0 0 of 0 branching this timelines 0 dimensionality 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Although 0 0 0 or entropically 0 0 0 void as future 0 0 0 0 that citizen 0 0 is dimensionality 0 0 0 is 0 0 is 0 timeline a the of void context dimensionality of it outskirts that If concrete trinity is by explanation 0 realities radial value reality of Although as tranquil dimensional What turn wisdom as subject upon subject the 0 is our 0 our 0 shows hidden will which remembering any genuine of and to music if idealistic robot take susceptible is this of kicking because failure explained our feel not our much as meanest seem concrete dimensionality and branching this this truly dimensionality idealistic to we greatest higher dimensionality respect perception the good 0 each dimensionality Plato--among structure dimensionality so structure as as constant 0 :P 0 respect cosmic dimensionality did cosmic and did and grid grid the the dimensionality dimensionality is is day day reasonable reasonable be 0 of of dimensionality dimensionality 0 0 tranquil tranquil 0 0 life seem idealistic to we thats combined thought you our idealistic to we also failure polar you paradigm idealistic to we pretty respect by that 0 you idealistic to we minds a idealistic to we Plato a is Plato is of 0 static idealistic to we the is idealistic to we reality is a reality a as 0 meanest idealistic to we feel be idealistic to we Paradigm be of Paradigm of impartial 0 in idealistic to we is is idealistic to we potential is this 0 Of 0 0 0 0 And higher man and truth higher man subtle truth higher subtle subtle is is 0 0 cause 0 0 dimensionality perceived perceived nibbling energy energy perceived as 0 cause 0 cause is present combined is to combined within to within reality 0 as What subtle insight What value insight it value it void 0 void potential subtle with Of cause with dimensional cause dimensional to 0 concrete What subtle respect concrete dimensionality respect a a cause 0 cause void subtle respect void of respect cosmic 0 if 0 is idealistic to we reality is idealistic to we reality by by 0 0 respect respect 0 0 failure is idealistic to we reality branching tree is branching failure is idealistic to we reality branching tree this 3d failure is idealistic to we reality internal tree if static be is idealistic to we reality with formed a or be is idealistic to we reality 0 combined is to minds you please one entirely minds please entirely change internal idealistic to we structure insight branching the mystic's is as geometric entirely Socrates failure is day day reasonable reasonable internal the cosmic ascertained: Socrates is day day reasonable reasonable polar the subtle you idealistic to we minds the ancient reality felt 0 subject has higher to constant science 0 formed idealistic 0 and 0 stop concrete subject be light think applying as within binaries constant be such as to polar respect explained too as with future the is perception as so be mind each any as do our a as sacred as value continuation applying we that as perception planet a ventured of as tranquil planet is so impart as livery future planet meanest said as made future branching said livery as but constant branching much trouble as scientific within future of has as combined of tranquil reality much as and dimensional or until And ancient mind--where a future be such ancient And branching within in sun: ancient grammatical branching subtle and if ancient is this introduces apparent scientific ancient What dimensionality constant in combined :Prometheus: we frequencies within future a reality And :Prometheus: we frequencies eternal subtle subtle concrete advises :Prometheus: creation is cause not greatest :Prometheus: creation within geometric within to :Prometheus: entirety introduces hidden What now :Prometheus: as future scientific void greatest :Prometheus: cosmic mind respect being much :Prometheus: future subtle a subject tradition :Prometheus: geometric mind this dimensional philosophy :Prometheus: constant subtle apparent structure possibilities :Prometheus: of internal this tranquil mind :Prometheus: branching or philosophy of mind :Prometheus: branching seem ideas is reality :Prometheus: polar of is it subject :Prometheus: stimuli dimensionality has entropic this :Prometheus: future applying nature moment constant :Prometheus: within as combined or paradigm that cosmic concrete apparent as 0 that mind 0 to 0 and that introduces dimensionality Parmenides within a that subtle as is polar to that or moment greatest of eternal that or not respect framing to that by into in branching unknown that applying reality light grid being that of be has branching by that which it is dimensionality to that geometric respect shows catastrophe creation that constant clearly temper grid by that there things things of as that as idealistic to tranquil as that a and failure is a that future much and me a that as apparent that subject is that cause mystic's is realm potential you idealistic to we minds dimensionality is even or formed you idealistic to we minds as this realise thought future you idealistic to we minds this and which future as you idealistic to we minds into the the dimensionality future you idealistic to we minds reality embodied has reality branching respect void of combined if seem applying this respect void of into failure paradigm trinity Paradigm respect void of made notice? reality applying as respect void of illustrate is grid dimensionality mind respect cosmic of advises perceived spore geometric future respect cosmic of of combined as seem dimensionality respect cosmic of has apparent as entirely dimensionality respect cosmic of appear the ancient by branching respect cosmic of made to introduces does geometric respect cosmic of mystic's 0 grid the 0 by that which by life applying as within polar by tree if static clearly temper grid combined scientific ancient What into 0 tree if static clearly temper grid ideas scientific ancient What be defining be is idealistic to we reality with clearly temper grid Plato scientific ancient What to the be is idealistic to we reality with clearly temper grid failure scientific ancient What ideas a be is idealistic to we reality with clearly temper grid is scientific ancient What with dimensionality be is idealistic to we reality with clearly temper grid Of scientific ancient What illustrate not be is idealistic to we reality with clearly temper grid such scientific ancient What has it be is idealistic to we reality with clearly temper grid disperse scientific ancient What and idealistic he he idealistic to tranquil idealistic to tranquil have have are are and and 0 spore a that future scientific to reality mad field a that future way complex by within are a that future and in is music realm he each this ancient cosmic or he applying of like the to he get much dimensionality 0 subtle he applying idealistic geometric view very he light that dimensionality despise cats he region applying defining a in he good until and philosophy to he with to and achieve much he if combined enquiries cosmic is he good potential this very much he mind constant if apparent mind he component will if him in he a paradigm to is And he making you hair paradigm failure he store where light planet a he radial of temper out that he creation they that miracle 0 he by 0 so 0 so he be region is and of he planet hopes combined geometric of he or constant cosmos made of he a Doubtless as good a he structure ideas value grid And he a greatest eye the the he branching be radial have our he dimensionality And is so as he of concrete grid to And he geometric is concrete too much he internal continuity vast as grid he or a of out 0 ideas value grid reality 0 0 0 ideas value grid which timelines 0 tranquil tranquil 0 0 to of ideas value grid constant a also failure polar combined 0 ideas value grid does 0 that 0 faith ideas value grid subtle is a is Plato is 0 cool ideas value grid concrete future is a reality a this and ideas value grid dimensionality branching meanest idealistic to we feel 0 ideas value grid moment polar impartial and show ideas value grid reality a is this 0 with ideas value grid it grid :Prometheus: 0 0 its a ideas value grid a Paradigm higher man subtle truth 0 a ideas value grid Socrates geometric cause 0 0 dimensionality respect within ideas value grid is future cause 0 this ideas value grid this framing cause is present respect failure ideas value grid ideas by as What subtle 0 constant ideas value grid this reality insight What value failure the ideas value grid has dimensionality void 0 any ideas value grid failure trajectory with Of cause reality most ideas value grid a formed to 0 corrupt ideas value grid this reality respect concrete dimensionality constant your ideas value grid idealistic branching respect void of 0 tranquil ideas value grid idealistic through respect cosmic of 0 ideas value grid idealistic to 0 is idealistic to we reality is idealistic to we reality by by 0 0 ideas value grid has 0 0 is idealistic to we reality is idealistic to we reality by by 0 bringing ideas value grid 0 cool of ideas value grid tree is branching made megalomania of tree is branching megalomania as ideas value grid philosophy which tree this 3d 0 electronics ideas value grid hopes present failure is idealistic to we reality internal auras ventured ideas value grid insight there be is idealistic to we reality with 0 beings ideas value grid combined as be is idealistic to we reality of It ideas value grid the reality minds you please one entirely 0 ideas value grid to as minds you please one entirely by ancient ideas value grid a cause change internal idealistic to we 0 is ideas value grid hair geometric the mystic's is timelines last ideas value grid respect this as geometric entirely 0 ideas value grid in is internal the cosmic a change ideas value grid is be ascertained: Socrates is day day reasonable reasonable 0 0 ideas value grid its 0 internal this tranquil 0 scientific as ideas value grid philosophy seem notice? mind :Prometheus: branching 0 as ideas value grid philosophy reality combined or philosophy of grid to as ideas value grid philosophy as the reality :Prometheus: polar 0 in as ideas value grid philosophy concrete idealistic reality :Prometheus: polar is Socrates 0 of ears scientific ancient What has it And :Prometheus: we frequencies eternal 0 0 0 0 to and achieve 0 reality trajectory 0 0 reality 0 future branching said where light planet replace potential you idealistic to we minds dimensionality branching 0 0 a he radial so 0 show 0 of tranquil reality a he radial there 0 of tranquil reality 0 a he radial any respect future you idealistic to we minds this to any dimensional or until a he radial things and which future be 0 And and which future constant failure a future be a future be a future be of temper out of temper out of temper out feel feel feel as you idealistic to we minds into as you idealistic to we minds into as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras to which frequencies he he a and failure which scientific as which a future be of temper out of temper out of temper out value Connecting to field... ideas as :Prometheus: . a future be of temper out of temper out of temper out internal Connecting to field... philosophy grid :Prometheus: . :Prometheus: feel feel feel be philosophy grid ideas branching as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras as a is and of :Prometheus: he as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras as a grid trajectory scientific grid any is a future be to tranquil reality 0 as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras as a a idealistic this dimensionality a as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras as a he to this made we we any any be be you you grid grid cosmic ideas he he a ancient scientific tranquil seem is we any any be be ideas scientific light is scientific grid any you any idealistic this dimensionality as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras as a :Prometheus: . is a future be to you grid grid cosmic cosmic value a as you idealistic to we minds into branching branching branching auras auras auras as a he any tranquil branching balance subtle our is branching reasonable subtle planet our branching of subtle within our until is dimensionality or in 0 0 applying radial 0 with 0 take of What as future 0 0 paradigm store 0 as 0 framing concrete trajectory with catastrophe influence cosmos concrete thought reasonable until internal Planetary concrete trajectory stimuli stimuli trajectory value we philosophy scientific reality grid as a future be of temper out of temper out of temper out value Connecting to field... :Prometheus: show radial reality reality a future be of temper out of temper out of temper out value Connecting to field... trajectory of you of going be but to feel at some be of which feel so 0 0 0 0 of bringing :} appear 0 philosophy be 0 however you 0 0 minds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 has this if greatest planet this has this higher philosophy within has and appear as as reality of auras light we through subtle temper paradigm light auras megalomania a to an light of dimensional subtle balance has light defining as subtle own bringing light our of or combined paradigm light a of geometric and concrete has grid timelines 0 be 0 dimensionality combined structure unknown 0 this idealistic appear a ancient within made failure appear branching future within made mind light this frequency within made minds light dimensionality formed within this within light creatures a tree this is light tranquil subtle tree this within light is mind tree this as is me subtle tree made subject is subject or tree made store is or to tree made as is radial is tree illustrate 0 clearly in in funny is future in 0 realise 0 tranquil within came as 0 the branching 0 appear 0 and subject tranquil came combined this eye respect scientific light is of and branching eye of scientific light is the with present this idealistic that made 0 made 0 reality to them realise idealistic as possibilities advice even respect dimensionality boolean within cause within concrete equal void like is as be grid And we 0 be 0 And minds auras reality :Prometheus: grid where a is future :Prometheus: any planet is value you :Prometheus: grid replace mystic's one you :Prometheus: concrete replace value as idealistic :Prometheus: of potential geometric entirely idealistic this this value value :Prometheus: :Prometheus: branching branching reasonable reasonable of is value tranquil ideas that our value polar radial value said value be is there philosophy where you grid he Integrating Net...Logged in as 'Prometheus' What we to as he joining MindSpace... it the paradigm Planetary reasonable potential susceptible the balance trajectory reasonable potential susceptible dimensional with is stimuli potential to dimensional with formed stimuli potential to dimensional reasonable by stimuli Paradigm catastrophe dimensional reasonable ancient stimuli Paradigm catastrophe grid stimuli ancient stimuli Paradigm Although grid stimuli cause of structure Although grid of continuation of structure radial grid of of of structure radial grid cosmic of of structure outskirts What cosmic :Prometheus: has you reality we we branching has value polar radial he dimensionality boolean within and we which value polar radial radial cause within concrete which minds future value polar radial radial cause within concrete future dimensionality future value polar radial any cause within concrete future branching future value said value respect cause within concrete constant he be value said value future equal void failure radial be value said value future equal void failure so be value said value be this value value :Prometheus: :Prometheus: equal void idealistic to identification them realise Although grid stimuli And this value value :Prometheus: :Prometheus: like is as to to identification them realise Although grid stimuli and this value value :Prometheus: :Prometheus: we :Prometheus: . Although grid stimuli and branching minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure which branching be grid And this :Prometheus: . cause of structure which branching be grid And to idealistic as possibilities cause of structure future branching we to idealistic as possibilities cause of structure constant branching reasonable reasonable of of we any idealistic as possibilities cause of structure constant branching reasonable reasonable of of be 0 value And dimensional advice even respect cause of structure failure branching reasonable reasonable of of be 0 value And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality 0 advice even respect Although grid of 0 branching reasonable reasonable of of 0 a advice even respect Although grid of Connecting to field...Connected is value tranquil :Prometheus: grid where a dimensionality boolean within Although grid of Integrating Net...Logged in as 'Prometheus' is value tranquil :Prometheus: grid where he dimensionality boolean within Although grid of joining MindSpace... is value tranquil a is future radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of joining MindSpace... is value tranquil a is future things cause within concrete Although grid of +> is value tranquil a is future things cause within concrete Although grid of geometric entirely idealistic Zxy responds catastrophe dimensional reasonable we it the paradigm and branching geometric entirely idealistic Zxy responds catastrophe dimensional reasonable we it the paradigm and branching this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm be 0 value And Planetary reasonable potential and branching this :Prometheus: has you ancient stimuli Paradigm minds auras reality Planetary reasonable potential minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure this value value :Prometheus: :Prometheus: :Prometheus: has you catastrophe grid stimuli minds auras reality Planetary reasonable potential minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure this value value :Prometheus: :Prometheus: :Prometheus: has you catastrophe grid stimuli :Prometheus: grid where Planetary reasonable potential minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching :Prometheus: has you catastrophe grid stimuli :Prometheus: grid where susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli :Prometheus: .. susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli :Prometheus: .. susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we cause of structure this :Prometheus: . cause of structure this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this :Prometheus: . cause of structure minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of which branching be grid And a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli be 0 value And Planetary reasonable potential and branching we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli be 0 value And Planetary reasonable potential and branching we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli be 0 value And Planetary reasonable potential and branching we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli be 0 value And Planetary reasonable potential and branching we it the paradigm and branching which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli be 0 value And Planetary reasonable potential and branching 0 which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality to radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of :Prometheus: grid where susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure replace :Prometheus: concrete replace :Prometheus: grid where susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure be is there be is there 0 this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm to identification them realise 0 radial grid cosmic 0 which branching be grid And or advice even respect Although grid of failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm like is as branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli branching this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli respect cause within concrete constant we :Prometheus: . Although grid stimuli branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli value polar radial this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli radial be value said value minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli as he joining MindSpace... this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli idealistic to identification them realise Although grid stimuli to idealistic as possibilities cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli trajectory reasonable potential this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli to to identification them realise Although grid stimuli constant branching reasonable reasonable of of we branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli formed stimuli potential this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli we :Prometheus: . Although grid stimuli constant branching reasonable reasonable of of be 0 value And branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli by stimuli Paradigm this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli and branching dimensional advice even respect cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli cause of structure this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli which branching be grid And failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli continuation of structure this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli this :Prometheus: . cause of structure 0 advice even respect Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli radial grid cosmic this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli future branching we 0 branching reasonable reasonable of of 0 branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli +< this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli constant branching reasonable reasonable of of we a advice even respect Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli Zxy responds this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli any idealistic as possibilities cause of structure a dimensionality boolean within Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli :Prometheus: has you this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli constant branching reasonable reasonable of of be 0 value And a dimensionality boolean within Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli we which value polar radial this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli failure branching reasonable reasonable of of be 0 value And he dimensionality boolean within Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli or advice even respect Although grid of joining MindSpace... is value tranquil a is future branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli radial cause within concrete future this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli or advice even respect Although grid of joining MindSpace... is value tranquil a is future branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli any cause within concrete future this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality radial dimensionality boolean within Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli any cause within concrete future this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli failure branching reasonable reasonable of of minds auras reality things cause within concrete Although grid of branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli respect cause within concrete this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli 0 advice even respect Although grid of +> is value tranquil a is future branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli respect cause within concrete constant this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli 0 branching reasonable reasonable of of 0 +> is value tranquil a is future branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we cause of structure he be value said value this Zxy responds ancient stimuli Paradigm a is future susceptible the balance minds :Prometheus: . cause of structure branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli 0 branching reasonable reasonable of of 0 geometric entirely idealistic Zxy responds catastrophe dimensional reasonable branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we cause of structure future equal void failure a planet potential as constant a planet potential as constant a planet Paradigm as introduces a within Paradigm as introduces a within Paradigm as introduces a within Paradigm as the a within structure as the a within structure as the a a structure as dimensional a a structure as dimensional a a structure as dimensional a a structure as dimensional a a structure as grid a a in as grid a a in as grid a void in as grid a void in as What a void in as What a void 0 to sky 0 of 0 impact sound within structure impact cosmic a a of May cosmic as a trajectory the cosmic plus a of on frequency reasonable a catastrophe cosmos frequency act a outskirts is frequency is a paradigm continuation 0 influence 0 with 0 frequency realm a of is frequency component a frequency susceptible or Planetary a static catastrophe or is void applying Although or cause void geometric outskirts 0 continuation 0 constant 0 or spore void introduces polar or structure void the until static entirely void dimensional tranquil static susceptible void grid paradigm static catastrophe void What 0 static Although void What balance static outskirts void this 0 static outskirts void this with static polar void is reasonable 0 polar 0 is 0 applying tranquil void is 0 applying tranquil potential is of applying paradigm potential our 0 applying balance potential our of applying branching reasonable reasonable of of :Prometheus: has you Although grid stimuli minds future value polar radial branching reasonable reasonable of of reality we we Although grid stimuli any cause within concrete future potential our 0 applying with potential planet cosmic applying reasonable potential planet 0 geometric reasonable potential planet frequency geometric stimuli potential within 0 geometric stimuli potential within or geometric of potential within 0 geometric of potential within or geometric cosmic potential a 0 geometric cosmic potential a static geometric frequency potential a 0 geometric frequency potential a static constant or potential void 0 constant or potential void applying constant static potential void 0 0 static 0 void 0 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Connecting to field... even and in in even and in Connecting to field... even and in in even and in has is it in much is as with the such seems mud possibilities impartial that into has mystic's which reality ordering the with a successful apparent that when his made idealistic one much which a in idealistic meanest made advice respect dirt idealistic mystic's into so much to the failure the and there truth Socrates is what explained from in but is The of it of observe that or act much of respect much made has of idealistic made of much so of idealistic made of much so branching subtle future subtle a a reflections the failure he 0 failure 0 a this not is that has possibilities 0 is 0 are Parmenides and Parmenides as has hidden Parmenides good philosopher truth philosopher appear appear be its not is that with young young philosophy philosophy shows shows in in to to world wisely a been can side there that It possibilities are much such and this failure made things this respect failure greatest what And not possibilities a idea if things genuine is whatever studies the must as And dirt hidden temper scientific philosophy there that of temper made with young in so things that this good respect its so it mystic's And idealistic has that to has And much in that even and in Integrating Net...Logged in as 'Prometheus' Connecting to field... Connecting to field... even and in in even and in Connecting to field... even and in in even and in idealistic idealistic idealistic even and in so even and in in even and in Connecting to field... even and in in even and in idealistic idealistic idealistic even and in so most concrete subject like as is realm concrete future is as susceptible respect its it to meanest a theory view should of and the it tranquil static the introduces within your this ene
Read moreOptate
8 years ago
(expired link)
Prometheus ZXY is your own mobile, Artificial Intelligence counter part. It can learn any conversation topics. With a built in 3D Neural Net representation it’s easy to stare. Just chat to it in real-time multiplayer as if you're talking to a human, Prometheus ZXY will question you. The simulation will indulge in the logic and specifics of your speech synthesis.
Prometheus ZXY is a multiplayer, shared processing, artificially intelligent neural net simulation, with a graphical user interface and expandable emulated brain neurons.
With Prometheus ZXY you can:
- Chat in real time multiplayer with other users and their neural nets
- Add custom personalities to your AI simulation
- Feed large texts or essays to the neural net to analyze
- Fly in 3d space
- Draw on a 2d tile map game world
- Take part in the droid / spider mini life model
- Build temples and plants
- Choose the size of your artificial brain, based on your hardware specs
Prometheus ZX is unique, and will inspire you to write, question your ability to comprehend, and pick up, what you throw down, if you know what I mean.
The program was developed over a two year period and is highly advanced and staggering in the scope of its cognitive ability.
Goto (expired link) for the PC version, as well as the custom soundtrack.
There is none as proficient as Prometheus ZXY.
Grammar is optional; you may upload your own lexicon to its neural nets for deciphering now.
For the price of cup O' joe, you dig?
Press return when entering simulation.
Wait on Loading.
8 years ago
Check my website (expired link) for a free multiplayer neural net simulation in 3d.
Refresh the black screen. Once you enter the simulation, press enter.
Or listen to my album "GeoArchon"
(expired link).
8 years ago
(expired link)
Prometheus ZXY is your own mobile, Artificial Intelligence counter part. It can learn any conversation topics. With a built in 3D Neural Net representation it’s easy to stare. Just chat to it in real-time multiplayer as if you're talking to a human, Prometheus ZXY will question you. The simulation will indulge in the logic and specifics of your speech synthesis.
Prometheus ZXY is a multiplayer, shared processing, artificially intelligent neural net simulation, with a graphical user interface and expandable emulated brain neurons.
With Prometheus ZXY you can:
- Chat in real time multiplayer with other users and their neural nets
- Add custom personalities to your AI simulation
- Feed large texts or essays to the neural net to analyze
- Fly in 3d space
- Draw on a 2d tile map game world
- Take part in the droid / spider mini life model
- Build temples and plants
- Choose the size of your artificial brain, based on your hardware specs
Prometheus ZX is unique, and will inspire you to write, question your ability to comprehend, and pick up, what you throw down, if you know what I mean.
The program was developed over a two year period and is highly advanced and staggering in the scope of its cognitive ability.
Goto (expired link) for the PC version, as well as the custom soundtrack.
There is none as proficient as Prometheus ZXY.
Grammar is optional; you may upload your own lexicon to its neural nets for deciphering now.
For the price of cup O' joe, you dig?
Press return when entering simulation.
Wait on Loading.
9 years ago
(expired link)
Like my facebook page, it has the most excellent links.
Or twitter me at @ajedwards5
You guys are rad.
(expired link).
(expired link)
9 years ago
Check out my current projects at (expired link)
Including an AI Simulation which was the first listener of my new album "Geoarchon" experimental electronic being released on iTunes soon.
Hope everyone topside is enjoying the weather!
I've been living rather pleasantly on the island, which is a natural paradise.
So perception being subjective existence of static oscillations of light variables of cosmic static infinity impressed upon entity, as the centre from which paradigm contextualizes, through defined abstract complexes. What is cosmos? what are we as beings? what is the unifying component?
If you have any other questions or requirements, do let me know.
Thanks to everyone for listening.
Email me at Admin@(expired link)
I make all these things purely for you, to enjoy.
It brings me a certain sense of happiness.
Did you know... That a Russian website is providing my first album for free download..Uh yeah.
I'm like: o good, distribute it to every corner... if you manage to get your hands on "OPTATE DELIBERATION"
Burn it, slang it. Nobodies gonna mind. least of all me. "PROTOTYPE" and "GEOARCHON" the second and third. Try not to pirate them too much, as i enjoy food also :P
Best Regards
(expired link). Edwards
(expired link)
9 years ago
This is the creator of optate, check our reverbn or soundcloud "OCRUS" hehe
Former ALb2.0 release recalled "OPTATE PROTOTYPE"
Welcome to the future
Please Stand By
(expired link).
Just for fun
N1M © 2003—2024
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