Song Reviews
I have heard a few tracks of this artist and I must say this is one of the better. Not often you hear a track as long as this one. Reminds me of some old classics from the seventies. To make songs last this long you really must have different aspects going on in the song to make it worth your while. And with this one you really can find different things going on. I love the guitar work on this one. I realize there is an organ there and it´s doing its thing, but I would really like to hear a B3 solo with the authentic sound. And there is one thing I really like about this one. The vocal sound more "the real thing" (more authentic) than I have noticed before. So keep doing that more without so many effects cause the lead singer have a great voice that deserves to be heard. Overall I´m happy about spending 12.42 of my time. Keep up the good work. All the best -Kris
Norway, Drammen
Relapse the sound of OSMÜGA is pure 70's when I heard the first few seconds the music has already entered my neural current and I have been transported to the progressive and psychedelic world, the music for a long time surprised me by doses of its own style within the traditional progressive, a mixture of basic rock, with great hints of beautiful flourishes and strong riffs, I recommend listening. Recaída o som do OSMÜGA é puro 70's quando ouvi os primeiros segundos ja musica já entrou em minha corrente neural e já fui transportado ao mundo progressivo e piscodelico, a musica por muito momento me surpreendeu por doses de estilo proprio dentro do tradicional progressivo, uma mistura de rock basico, com grandes pitadas de lindos floreios e riffs forte, recomendo ouvir.
Brazil, Catanduva
Forced to review by N1M
Ante todo, pedir disculpas por estas palabras, nuestra intención no es molestar a nadie: La plataforma N1M nos obliga a hacer críticas al trabajo de otras personas, sin otra alternativa (como compartir canciones o eventos). Nosotros no somos los más capacitados para decir qué es lo que está bien o no, musicalmente, los gustos de la gente son muy diversos y, como es normal, no vamos a ser nosotros quienes juzguen las horas y horas de trabajo de otros músicos. Esta plataforma musical, sólo intenta sacar provecho de los músicos, no se aprecia en ningún momento que pretenda dar a conocer el trabajo de los músicos. Por supuesto, el trabajo que ha hecho OSMÜGA, es un gran trabajo. Ha realizado una composición plena y ha transmitido parte de sus conocimientos y su creatividad al oyente para despertar sentimientos diversos. Eso es la música. Es el oyente quien ha de decidir si está bien o no una composición, si transmite las sensaciones o no. Salud!
Spain, Valencia
A great and powerful prog song
Osmüga does a great work with this song, it has a hypnotic and overdriven power. I loved it since the first bars. I really like the sound of the guitars and the melody of the bass and keyboards on the background and the vocal harmonies. The long instrumental part near the end is just fascinating, quite epic and dark. If I had to say something to improve, it might be the drums production, not the patterns played but the compression, with a more powerful drums this prog song will rock.
Spain, Valencia
Another awesome song that I just reviewed thank you for sharing it with me I like your creativity I said it in the last preview stay creative never be afraid to take a chance keep on rocking out and being a blessing to the world period keep on creating every each and every day I try to stick with my crab and do something that I didn't do different in the next song or the last song . Enjoy your rest of your week and grinding and shine keep on being great peace..
United States, California, Every Where
Boy, I'm listening to your music here. Really interesting, see? I'm traveling on guitars, already the second type. it's the second sound I hear that really impressed me with the sound quality Sejam Muito Bem Vindos(A): and also aggressiveness when you go in there with the metal, right? The guitar part, I don't know if it's because I'm a fan of guitars here. slash How to say? A good fan of bands, right? As it says right Rose Pink Floyd great David Gilmour then. I liked Despite that beat there from the bass she takes the heavy bass is also sensational drums I Congratulations then keep putting these pearls in there for us, thanks for the hug.
Brazil, Recanto das Emas
Great Subject
ok so the instumentals in the beginning are GREAT but way to long, just my opinion that u asked for. the vocals were really hard to hear and on such an important subject i wish i could have really heard the message. then again a long instrumental not really needed i started losing interest at that point. ok u play a good guitar but that much of it is not needed to show case ur talent. personally id cut the beginning intro to a minute maybe minute and a half get ur verse in cut a nice bridge with that change of beat uz did follow with the second verse and end with a lead and fade out at the end. turn up the vocals and make a 5 min record and ull have a smash hit. good luck in the future
United States, Florida, Palm Bay
Osmuga review Relapse
I love progressive rock. With this particular song, I would suggest you cut to your vocals a little sooner just to keep the interest going. The clean guitar and then the dirty guitar could be half as long since there is plenty of great guitar work throughout the remainder of the song, but you need to get to the vocals sooner so it doesn't come off like it's just jamming to two chords. The real strength of your song is in the vocals and the solos following. The opening is your weakest part of the song. Other than that, it's a great song! At over 12 minutes long, you wouldn't lose anything in shortening the opening as well. Really nice changes throughout the song. Love it! Keep it up. We need a resurgence of progressive rock.
United States, California, San Diego
great music
Hello from Mexico, I have had the opportunity to listen to you and you hear yourself as a solid band, I like their sound and their progression, I hope to hear more from you in the future, take a look at my profile to see what you think, regards!
Mexico, Zapopan
bass bass ss and more bass then fusionish rock guitar then finally vocal
very adequat players instrumental rock fusionish hard to understand what its all about really then vox comes on and couldnt really hear what yer saying bro fear of what used to be what didnt really get it but great sound and productions in studio or whatever i dont know if i would spend money ill think about it might grow on me maybe it is interesting enuff rock on and work on those innunciations it is important if you have a real message to it say it clear welcome in advance i feel i need a raise in blincoins for this one bro asj mgr please oh there it is the name of the song at the very end really long tune then edgar winters frankstein and that was about nine think
United States, Texas, Austin
A Momentary Relapse of Reason.
As a lover of Classic Rock and have listened to album cuts in the 60's and 70's with extended lengths of times, this song fascinated me. I love the sounds of the guitar and keyboards and the fluid melodic guitar solos reminiscent of Gilmore, Santana and Knopfler.The Studio recording quality is Excellent. In today's world of ADHD, I'm not sure if most listeners are ready for the lengths, yet. I hope that some day, extended length songs are listened to. The only soft spot for me was the vocal. Perhaps you are doing too much. Range is limited and tone I think is too low to cut through the layered sounds. Also, a few rhythm or beat additions could add some variety. Great efforts!
United States, Florida, Fort Lauderdale
Relapse : Review by request .
Listening via phone speaker the instrumental intro has tones of West coast American guitar gentle and melodic nice then heavier it then morphed twisted and turned excellent merging of subtle and striking melodious blend no room for Slackness here and the vocals emerging Unsuspecting tones of Floyd then heavier rock lead guitar certainly bringing about a rise and fall with percussive effects and into vocal no relapse would not be surprised to hear these muso's main stage at open air festival certainly capable of holding their own if they can reproduce this live on stage would hold my attention . Sincerely Dq
Australia, Sydney
Lapse More
One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song with the slow sultry intro with a mild build to the core of the tune - this would be a perfect back drop to a major film in Hollywood. Perhaps a love scene, perhaps an intense bar conversation? Regardless, this is a lovely piece of music.
United States, California, Huntington Beach