Outback Larrikin
Australia, Finch Hatton

About Outback Larrikin
I'm just an old fart messing around with music. I had a wonderful family, my wife who left me & son and daughter, twins. Her leaving inspired me to write heartfelt lyrics as I was heart broken. I will record these shortly and post them possible on youtube.
Music has got me into some amazing situations playing harmonica with well known bands, taken me to Texas and Mississippi in the US. Toured northern Australia & played on big stages allowing me to rub shoulders with well known artists earning their respect.
I love the square neck resonator guitar but also play bass, guitars, a tenor ukelele and a cigar box a mate made for me. The uke and the cigar box are especially good cos it's got four strings as I only have four fingers on my right hand.
I live in a tranquil rainforest in the hills 80k west of Mackay surrounded by permanent crystal clear waterfalls running through my property.
Ask me questions. Chk out some vids (expired link)
Thanks for reading, love yawl.
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