Paradox Soul
11 months ago

The Only way forward,....is through...

Hello to all the kind people who chose to subscribe to my little mission website here.I want to thank you all for giving me a listen and hopefully like,what i do.As i am a person still stuck in the magic and wonder of the 80s,..i was unsure if anyone would like what i try to replicate.That New Wave synthpop sound from the era.It is near and dear to me and has always been my home.Me,being the extreme introvert i am,..it is not so easy to meet and talk to people.So this is my outlet really.This life is such that it can complicate,break us down and crush your dreams in an instant,..or slowly over time.I am working to bring more new material as well as the ability for anyone that wants to own/buy my music as well.Just ,..it's a grind when you are alone with dreams in your hands and trying to keep them from falling through your fingers.But i am still believing,..still trying to reach the goal.Anyway,..i just want all of you to know i am eternally grateful and humbled that you took a listen to me.I'll try to get some tracks to you all soon... Sincerely,Eric





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