Patrick Connell
4 years ago

Happy Are They Who Hear The Voice of The Lord

My prayers and good thoughts are going out to all of you music lovers--you are truly Number One in my mind! We are continuing to hunker down here in PA. I am truly blessed in that both my wife and I have been able to work from home and are still getting paid, I know that's not the case for so many. It has been so encouraging to see so many good people stepping up to provide food and assistance to those in need. I am no scientist, but I think if we can have a little more patience we will get the worst behind us and can start moving forward. The recording process with my band Heart-Beat! has been put on huld due to the pandemic. I did want to share again this song from our Archive called "Whisper." This was recorded over 10 years ago when we had 2 guitarists and 2 additional female singers. So we really had a BIG sound. I sing lead and play bass on this. Lisa does a nice counter melody. And the coda was an All-Skate with a ton of voices, lol. Considering that this was recorded on a Roland portable digital studio with run of the mill mic's, a variety of locations and only Dan and Myself running the board, I was very happy that we pulled off such a complicated arrangement. TBT, Bryan Helsel cleaned it up and mixed it at his studio after the fact, which certainly helps. My country was going through another crisis at that time. The point of the song was that God is always with us and He is also speaking to us. But with so much clamor and "surface noise", can you hear Him? He can speak with a booming voice, but often, I feel, He speaks to us in a Whisper. Be safe and Be Blessed! Pat Connell https://www.n1m.com/patrickconnell/song/929215-Whisper





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