3 years ago

September 12, 2021 UpDate

Hi Music Friend; Pete here ! Trying this on September 12, 2021, which is supposed to be when I am allowed to send out a subscriber update on this site. Guess I'll find out. If you've read any updates from me before, skip down to the *******.    I am a senior (B.1947) medically disabled songwriter, unable to travel or perform live, and long past any career aspirations. However, I have written many songs (WELL over 850 in several genres) and feel that a few of them deserve the opportunity to be considered.    The reason that I mention that I am medically disabled is that my condition stopped me from being able to travel, perform live or use professional recording studios to do my songs, so I had to do them here, at home, in my basement, on old, donated equipment from musicians I used to work with. I did the best I could with what I had (I played all the instruments and sang all the male vocal parts) ... the songs come across, I think. Unfortunately, I have been diagnosed with early onset Myeloma (Bone Marrow Cancer), and combined with a couple of other health issues (not the least of which was the effects of an accident that resulted in severe Cervical Spinal Stenosis and a concussion) I am now unable to do any more recording (or even playing) and am concentrating on trying to get my songs heard. That task also helps a great deal in keeping me thinking positively (more or less).... As a Songwriter, I'm just trying to highlight my songs, SO, for the most part, when I have three of my songs on the page, there are associated "videos" to watch, (either on YouTube or on FaceBook ... for me, the second one is preferred, because I reap absolutely NO benefits from YouTube using my songs.) with EARTH SONG having actual pictures. Any songs I drop here in the future will have a lyric video as well on one of those sites, and I'll mention it if I'm allowed to do so. If knowing the lyrics as the song is playing is something you like, then the lyric video is the way. ******* I currently have several (30 or so on Spotify, I think) songs of mine placed on some streaming services, so if you are subscribed to any of these, I'd appreciate it if you'd give them a listen. (Spotify, Deezer, iHeart Radio, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, plus others I can't remember right now). Just check for Pete Dowan (and so you know, my last name is pronounced like plowin' ). AND, if you enjoy anything, PLEASE encourage acquaintances to try a listen ? I am also giving it "a shot" here for the next year ... I am now allowed to place up 30 songs on this site, so I'm on my way to doing just that. Here are a few descriptions of the songs I'm placing or keeping on Number One Music. As we know, since as far back as history goes, there have been wars and battles going on constantly amongst various factors of our species (A SAD legacy !), and there are always casualties which are reported as Numbers. I am placing a slow, sad song that focuses on one of the invisible casualties ... those that don't show up in numbers. Needless to say, NO ONE has to listen ... I am REALLY lousy at categorizing my songs into genres (perhaps someone can suggest what this song fits it ?), but it is emotional. The title expresses the dreariness of the subject ... "Why Did Daddy Have To Die ?". I think that the first line in the second verse is the saddest line I have ever written. My "Earth Song (Why Don't We Stand ?)" is one that I will NOT be removing ... it IS for our Planet ! "Pinch Me" seems to be one that a number of listeners enjoy. So that will remain. Could be a good one when it is safe for Dancing Venues again. I am also reinstating some of the songs that I had to remove previously, so I could add new ones (when my limit was three songs). These include, for now, "Love Me Now" (obvious what IT is about), "Ice Age", which submits a different view of what is happening on our planet and "TwoSome", which is a Country Blues Song that harkens back to the conditions during the 1930's. There will be more soon. I am placing them in an album called "Dowan in the Basement". We'll see where that goes. I hope someone will give these a listen. I know that the "casualty song" is not something to be Enjoyed, but it deals with something that IS a part of human reality. I will be attempting to add a few different songs each month, though please don't hold me to that ... I'm still battling Myeloma (see above somewhere), and my wife is going through Chemo for cancer as well. No-one EVER said life is easy. Until next time, take care and STAY SAFE ... Wear a Mask if you're not sure ! Musically Your Friend, Pete {:-) pdowan@aol.com *** (I'd love to hear from anyone) www.facebook.com/pdowan *** www.youtube.com/pdowan

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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