Peter Piper
United States, New Jersey, Hackensack
Peter Piper
____PeterMary Feedbed Au VocalistChris Tremblay King Mud image file4252db89-a764-49d9-b4ce-0846e6157853138094a5-fb66-4877-a2ad-966ec2d71d17Inkedme 2 glasses grand hyatt nyc standing_LI - Copy

Peter Piper

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About Peter Piper

Web Info and About Peter Piper

FB Page - Facebook

Song Downloads from cdbaby:
- Psyclone - link
- New Rules - link
- City Life - link
- Arch Detective - link
- Lucky Part _ One - link
- Lucky Parts 1&2 - link
- Dinner With An Angel - link
Don't see your favorite song? Let me know and I'll put it up there. I'm currently running a buy one get three free sale. Let me know if you're interested. The sale is good through Feb 15th, 2018.

I have about 100 songs on soundcloud but they're mostly riffs and classical music. Feel free to check them out though. Search on " vrpeter ".

The Pavlov Chalkboard CD can be gotten at - link

Little Child mp3 -

FB Page for Unemployed Teachers - Facebook

Peter has had quite a strong interest in music, and especially with the piano from a very young age. Yet, with a rather deep background in various sciences, math, writing and other fields not related to music it was essentially etched in stone that he'd go into the sciences. Seeing that most of the positions available for substantial research in the sciences were in great decline in the business world and with government that pretty much left open getting a professorship or finding the remaining pocket in industry that still had some involvement with science. With a desire to merge his love of math into his path he got an MS in CS in computer engineering.

It was at the same time in school that he began falling in love with synthesizers. A screenplay he wrote may explain his love of synthesizers. In it there was a boy with a holographic orchestra whose members he could converse with, conduct etc. It appears that Peter wished to do the same, but without the holographic orchestra.

However, he never put any of his music on the net until a friend suggested he try N1M. He ended up registering but it wasn't until several months later that he began to put together music to upload to N1M. He might never have put any music on N1M if it hadn't been for an email from a potential fan from across the globe who was wondering where his music was. Well, given the circumstance he had no choice but to begin composing songs.

He became driven to make music. Don't be too surprised if he pulls the proverbial rabbit out of a hat one of these days. He's been known to do that. For now he's trying to learn as much as possible in as short a time as possible. Fortunately it's a process that he enjoys and has fun with. He tends to like to be a bit playful with some of his songs. He would be very happy if any of his music really reached anyone.

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