United States, Texas, Midland

About PhillipSandersMusic
Phillip Sanders is a American country music artist and songwriter. Born on ( November 9, 1973) Lake City, Florida. Mr. Sanders currently resides in Texas, and is an Oil & gas and Commercial Investment entrepreneur. He decided to pursue his dreams of being a country music artist and songwriter in 2016. In 2017 he wrote " Never Thought I Could Change" featuring Curt Ryle. In 2018 he wrote and released" his first single" With Her I'am" which hit # 10 on the top 40's European singles country music charts, and twin charted on the top 200 European country music artist charts. In 2019 he released " I Don't Think I Will" written by Doug Johnson. Which hit #32 on the European top 40's singles charts, and again twin charted at # 67 on the top 200 European artist charts. Mr. Sanders music can be heard around the world on thousands radio stations. His music can also be found on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and many others. Also check out " I Don't Think I Will" on iHeart radio.
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