United States, Pennsylvania, Lebanon

About Piznock
I love music. From rap to metal, reggae, classic rock, blues just about anything that expands my mind to learn new ways of expressing the thoughts and feeling of one another is true art. I can play numerous types of instruments incl. guitar, drums, piano. I am truly inspired by other artists who can move those little hairs on the back of your neck. This channel of rap is moderately older dateing back to 2005-2010. My last recorded song was the track was “Make Money feat. Pretty Boy” back in 2012 which was the first and only song we recorded together. Later that year my son was born and the my music changed direction focusing most of my energy towards him. After Ricardo “pretty boy” Rodriguez had passed away of a heart attack in 2014 I lost the ambition to record anymore rap music. There was a fire in that man that could warm the hearts of anyone. Since then I've been focusing on my family and work. My music has turned more to acoustics and Metal. Following such artist as Dallas Green from City and Colour to metal bands like Attila. I’ll never forget my love for music and those that I've helped and helped me become who i am today. I hope to be recording some of my acoustic songs within the next year so stay tuned.
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