About Plymouth da Pheonix
My music flows directly from how I feel, Most people try to force music so much. They search for hits, which doesn't advocate consistency. Me, I would love to have a hit, major success, but my music Bio: Plymouth da Phoenix Rap Name: Plymouth da Phoenix Alias: Mr. Mizz short for Mr. Mizzory (poetically inclined) Poetry Name: Beautifully Tragic Gesture A 23 yr Old with much potential is exactly what I am. I am a slide show, of life's many different faces, and propositions. So many thoughts run through my mind, so many stories untold. I'm sort of like a monster, because I am filled with anger, filled with rage and from it spills my power (which is writing). I am the word of a poet in dispair, mixed with the street hustlers, to the old folk back in the day singing on corners sipping on a 40 ounce. So many different unique patterns of music run together in my head, to the point I can't sleep. My objective stretches much deeper than shine and becoming rich. My objective is to give back, eliminate certain aspects that the generalized public are blind to. My names are intertwined within my personal beliefs and struggles. My poet name: Beautifully Tragic Gesture, comes from the inner tragedy in which I have felt since me loosing my mother and father. The hate stored in for the world, which comes first. It tops off my revival, because as i switched from just writing poems I began to
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