
PreAutumn Order 3: Rise From The Sand

PreAutumn Order 3: Rise From The Sand” Thinking back to how long it took just to get people to raise their eyebrows at me, I will take this autumn to celebrate. Last year, i gave the world PreAutumn Order 2 “The UnEmployment” along with “The Black Edition”……… This was based on the emptiness I felt working in the basics. Everyone believes that to find a good job, and be steady is “SAFE”! It’s just staying above the water………… It’s unfair for you to be under 50 and not live your dream. All you hear from people as you start your rise is how stupid it is, or how its unlikely because of the millions who are trying to do it. They bury you in doubts and rejection, in the beginning the pain from that rejection is eviction, its unemployment from belief, its death to your happiness. Autumn is really the beginning of your rebirth, as you can see how the atmosphere replenishes its self. PreAutumn Order 3, i will break it down as best as I can…… Let’s start with “RISE”!!!!!1 You have to bury yourself in yourself to overcome. The only way a person can ever achieve is if they dig deep within. Everyone else ha thrown the dirt over your dreams, they’ve told you what you can not do already. At this point you have to fight within your heart and mind, and give yourself fuel to get up and go. Remove the doubt and take over. It i the fire you light within that will make you push thru, persevere through the adversity. “From The Sand” this is where we all started and the world ha made it clear they want us there. The world has turned people into fiends, has made people kill themselves and others for that matter. Once you light your fire from within and “RISE” your thrusting thru the sand to take over and achieve. You deserve to fight for yourself. They want you strung, scared and ignorant. FUCK THAT, toast to your life, strive for elegance and beautiful mornings. Work hard for the taste of success. As long as you know your day shall come, you will achieve…. Many thoughts shall cross your mind, See life can leave you punch drunk from all the hits it may throw at you. Its far from for the weak hearted. You should dream to be extraordinary, not “EXTRA ORDINARY”. So as you listen understand, there is a message in my music. Understand that i am here to fight for your dreams, for you to be totally you verse the cliche individual that is a puppet for the medias coonery. I want to thank you all who have supported this journey, and we have so much further to gooo!!!!!!!!!!!1 But this is for you to see, others will arrive late to my talent and that is on them. You Can check this out here: http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/plymouth-da-pho-preautumn-order-3-rise-from-the-sand-mixtape.93715.html

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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