Put Your Pride Down….
Good afternoon All,
This was on my heart and spirit, and I needed to share this. Besides checking out my music, please hear me on this. If you have someone or anyone that you love/loved, but situations ended rocky, but you still think of that person or people everyday or often….. Chances are it’s not finished, chances are it’s the same thing on their end. Because life is short, and love still conquers all…. Let go of your ego and pride and tell that someone you love them. Get closure, or re-open a new chapter, with new respect, or go back to where it was and fix it. I had a friend/lover who coulda been any range of a sister, cousin, best friend, and mom too sometimes lol, but even spouse hit my line…. it was refreshing, but I still really didn’t say how I felt because respect is key. Respecting where they are and with whom they may or may not be with…… Don’t leave any loose ends in any form of life, love and live. When you get a chance please check out by listening or purchasing a copy of “is it GOOD yet?” The link is connected.