7 years ago

WORD-UP : FooD4ThoughT


Put on the full ARMOR of GOD "Helmet of SALVATION The Chest plate of RIGHTEOUSNESS Gird your loins with the Belt of TRUTH Cover of Feet with the GOSPEL of PEACE Lift up the Shield of FAITH Lift the Sword of the WORDS of GOD" POEM: "IT's U" by POP-O Understanding N Authority. Ambassador-Anointed-Witness. Walk N Integrity. Talk N the Truth. Taste this Destiny. Smell what is cooking. Hear who has a ear. See what is Envision. Drawing near. Word Up is Babel-ed. Wisdom is to Share. What is needed. Giving what is fair. Miracles happening everywhere. It's U Changing Large and small. Big and little. To Honor and Pray. To test what is Civil. Color Life -Believing. Faith N times-Living. What's been missing. Shows itself-Being. Humanity willing. Changes now headed. Knowledge now revealed. ONE after another. Loss now Found. A reality told. A story Shared. My Brother and Sister. My new found Friend. This is my-BABEL. A poet to the end. AllMenHello- Black,Brown,Red,Yellow and White all rights reserved 2017.





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