Sevens with essence of Thirteen review

A Moment With "Seven With The Essence Of Thirteen"
"When you look at me with mystical eyes and realize I'm like your brother."
A good few years ago, I was walking home from work on the busy rush hour streets of downtown New York City, when I heard a familiar voice call my name. When I turned, much to my pleasant surprise, the face attached to the voice was my dear old childhood friend Ed Holley. He was just what the doctor ordered after a long, dreary day, and catching up for a bit, talking about old times was a delight. After a few minutes of chatting, he informed me that he was pursuing a career as a musician. A vocalist to be precise. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised. Aside from a conversation or two about Living Colour, Jimi Hendrix or some other such artists that a couple of African American kids might talk about in the late 80's, I never really pegged 'ol Ed as a music lover. We had spent most of our youth slugging it out on a baseball or football field. Brother Ed, was not only athletic but, intelligent, with a keen mind for tactics and strategy. If I had given it thought when I was younger, I probably would have pictured Ed as a coach or teacher of some kind. A color commentator in a professional sports booth probably would have made him famous. But music......? I wished him well, and went on my way, knowing the harsh reality of making it as a music man on the mean streets. It would definitely be a challenge, to put it lightly.
I didn't hear much about Ed in the next few years. It took me moving out of state and finally opening my first social media account to reconnect with the brother. This latter version of Ed I found on Facebook was a long way from another beaten casualty of the New York music scene. This wasn't just 'ol Ed anymore. This was the Preachermann. And he and his Revival had appeared to have accepted every challenge.
"My spirit is young my friend, so I will never, never, grow old"
Sevens With The Essence Of Thirteen, was not the first Preacherman & The Revival song I had heard, but it's the most memorable thus far. I speak of my relationship with Ed as a child because I think it has much to do with his musicianship as a man. The Preachermann comes from a place of diversity. I can offer first hand testimony that he was exposed to a multitude of cultures, and a wide range of musical influences. The many different many influences in "Sevens" and the creativity that binds them all together, is what stands out to me the most. It wasn't uncommon for us, as kids to spend a morning with a group of friends that listened to The Bee Gees, the afternoon with another group of friends that listened to Black Sabbath, and the evening with a crowd that listened to Run D.M.C. Obviously Ed, instead of rejecting different styles of music, has clearly embraced them all, and crafted those styles into an enlightening listening experience.
"It took seven days and seven nights to get my soul right - I've seen the seventh sign (I hear my angels rhyme)
A scary thought occurred to me before I listened to this song. What if I hated it? That would be an uncomfortable situation. Thankfully, my reservations were put to rest almost immediately. The subtle opening bass and piano, smooth and soothing, feel as if R&B and 70's progressive rock mated and had a love child. I thought back to a Preachermann video of Ed crooning on roller skates in Cental Park, and this clearly went in a different, possibly darker place than that enjoyable albeit more lighthearted tune. The understated guitar work quietly gave a mellow, ethereal feel to the song that you'd almost miss if you weren't paying attention, yet is absolutely vital. Every element of "Sevens" from the drums to the background vocals give it a jazzy, psychedelic vibe that was refreshing beyond words. I found myself so immersed in the soothing hypnotic, rythm that I let my guard down, stopped thinking about it objectively and just allowed myself to enjoy the first time around. I don't know if it was the production or the energy, but the musicians the Preachermann surrounded himself with sounded focused, committed, to laying down a comfortable tapestry of sound on which the man himself would lay down his heart, and I hope to learn more about every talent involved in this project at some point. It may very well be that because I knew him, that I was so taken, but as he did the first time, and I'm sure he will the next, Ed simply knocked me over with the soulful emotion in his vocal work. Anguished, confident, remorseful and yet proud,
Ed renders his soul bare in an honest look into his truth. I'd be lying if I said I connected with the song completely. Half of me wanted to call him up and interrogate him on what he was thinking when singing it, but the smarter half just let the music wash over me, and understood it was a conversation for another time.
It can be tricky writing about music, a field in which I have no real experience. I find myself fighting to spew every thought and detail about the song in question, and hope that I've said just enough to entice the reader into finding out for herself. I imagine, that one may hear elements of Motown, rock, blues, gospel among others genres in the groups catalog, but if I were to recommend a place to start with The Preachermann & The Revival, it would be with "Sevens With The Essence Of Thirteen".
It's still a long way to the top, if you wanna rock n roll, as AC/DC famously pointed out. And I don't know what's the future holds for this particular group of hopefuls but,
The Preachermann & The Revival has the feel of a collection of creativity that's just finding itself and scratching the surface. At the very least, Ed and his crew obviously have something to say, musically and intellectually, and hopefully, we, as the listening community, aren't to traumatized with the likes of Justin Bieber to hear it.
"You can spot me in a crowd by my funky distinctive stroll - I roll sevens everytime I roll"
Preach, Preachermann. Preach.
The Preacherman & The Revivals' first full length album dropped January 1st on Sonic Ark records, available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, and more.