Divine White Lights: By: The Holy Spirit Invested In You & I: Lucien R J Pilon (Bobby Pilon) © 2014
Canada, Ontario

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About Divine White Lights: By: The Holy Spirit Invested In You & I: Lucien R J Pilon (Bobby Pilon) © 2014
Prophetic March & The Eternal Spirits: Lucien R J Pilon (Bobby Pilon) © 2014 now called Divine White Lights; so, as I move forward & brave this New Era Of The Modern Renaissances; without post modern medication; I still desire to live sober, except for the occasional celebratory treat! I've found that I'm hearing even less extra ideas that are not my own without Abilify playing with my nerological pathways of my brain any longer: James 5:13-20!!! Praise God = John 1,3,15 & Zachariah Chapter 9!!!
@Bobofredandblue: The power of a Canadian minority government over a majority government!!!
(expired link)
I figured this out today March 25, 2015:
A person that is willing to take their medication regularly each and every day and desire to stay sober; with the exception of having a celebratory drink every once in a while, should not be considered a schizophrenic!!!
I am a "Hearer" of Both Truth & Lies of Love, Respect 95% of the time and even some sexiness; which is not fair for a single man to hear sexy things but some things that I hear come into being and manifestation within our fallen world and that is the reason I'm prophetic at times with what I hear but more so with what I create and sincerely/earnestly ask in the Name of Our Lord & Saviour and you can do the same!!!
Those in hell are totally in the realm of schizophrenia!!! The eternal land of schizophrenia is the multidimensional realm of hell; that of which I see why I was made to be schizophrenic for a time to place it in my heart to desire no man or woman to have to endure the worst of the worst and fish for and help Jesus Save as many souls as I can = The Jewels Of Our Crown...
We can further expand the Kingdom Of God through our talents and peers = My Kin Under Noah…
Wow!!! I must be getting close to my harvest time to be able to plant more seeds for another soul crop so even more can be forever victorious and far from the land of schizo…
Art Factory!!!
I just added to this Bio Jan 7, 2015 about the characteristics of my painting "Eyes Of Infinity" here on N1M... Please Read & Share this Bio with Friends & Family = Our Kin Under Noah and Add A Weapon & Armor Of God Upgrade To All Of Your Spirits: I'm A Published Author As Well and this fact about me should be know to you as well as me being and Musician & Fine Artist For God...
I shared this On LinkedIn:
This is my "Eyes Of Infinity" painting that was pulled outta the Abstract into Realism February 2014. 16" by 2' Acrylic On Board. I waited 6 yrs to finally have the Abstract grant me my version of "The Crucifixion" & My Kings Victory over Sin For Us...
"Under the Right Eye is the Tear Of Joy for those who believe in him who saved us.
Under the Left Eye is the Scar for those who do not believe and the wounds he received that healed us back to dignity & grace. "
"The Three Stars of David represent The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit = The Purest Light of Truth, Justice & Above All Love that contains all the Colours of the Universe; Where as Black (Not Including The Title Of Skin Or Name Colour For They Are Names Not Physical & Tangible Ideas Of Colour) but The Lack Of Colour in Black Sucks the Life outta Light but the Light Of God And His Spirit invested in us Will Smite The Darkness..."
"The Eyes Of Infinity & Beyond"
"The Jewels Of Our Crowns Are Those Individuals We Help Jesus Save..."
"Oh Sure we are all Thorns To God in the beginning of our pilgrimages with him but like the Coal Turning Into A Diamond so to will we be made into his Family Jewels, lol... Pun intended. "
Cheers to a happy new Era!!! From Lucien (Bobby) Pilon; your earthly founder of Prophetic March & The Eternal Spirits; which now called Divine White Lights and in Heaven is the Great Gig In The Sky = The Symphony Of Angels & those who are forever victorious!!! I add this so "U2" can be forever victorious as well in glory and honor without any doubt. High fives to having "No Doubt" about the victory of our souls in Jesus!!! Celebration time come on. lol. All the best to you, yours and ours in the new year and beyond!!! Please share this link as you see fit... www.numberonemusic.com/propheticmarch/ & the eternal spirits
Prophetic March & The Eternal Spirits is about each one of us marching straight forward towards the Almighty Father through Jesus living for the day at hand not worrying about the future with a child like faith as the Holy Trinity say their Prophecies over each one of us as we come before them in spirit with our prayers and petitions that they hope those petitions and prayers are for all of our neighbours of Mankind and His Creations As We Ask In The Name Of Jesus, Amen: John 3:14-18. That Ladies and Gentlemen is an individual after God's Own Heart. Yes We Can!!! Love Is God Is Love... Let Elohim (The Name For God in their plural form) help you write your story so you too can be His Honor and Glory: Past, Present and Future: Faith and Open Charity within that Ancient Mystic Trinity and on into Our Forever Tomorrows as Eternal Spirits...
My Faith is Spiritual not Religious. The Christian Faith is Spiritual and Religion is only a platform of understanding for your soul to take off from.
RED=The Blood of Christ, Divine Forgiveness, Love and more
BLUE=The Holy Spirit, Our Spirits, Water, Baptism and more
These two colours together represent how our spirits sore for all eternity: Superman, Spider-man, Super Mario, Papa Smurf, Super Woman, Wonder Woman, Double Dragon, Pepsi, Canada Post and more; all dressed in Blue and Red.
Be sure to try and make time to read my Blogs on RN to also give you added Spiritual Weapons & Armor Upgrades for your minds, bodies, hearts and souls, Amen...
Versatyle Tha Wildchyld from Athens Georgia. Supports Me and I him... I'm no longer like Atlas carrying the world on my mind and shoulders because of me finally figuring out how to share my destiny's understanding: The Power Of Red and Blue To The People...
Red = Christ's Blood
Blue = The Holy Spirit
Yellow and the rest of the Colour Wheel = God Himself the purest Light that contains all colour...
In The Name Of The Father, Son & Holy Spirit is the Star of David on Israel's Flag, Blessings to All of Your Family and Fans... Great Sound to the MAX!!!
Yes!!! Ray Charles is Singing, "Georgia" in my mind. Love It!!!
Okay now for the second triad of the colour wheel:
Orange = Joy & Happiness
Purple = The Royalty & Majesty that governs the Universe...
Green = Earthiness (Mother Earth), Newness and Giver of Life & Re-birth like that of being born of the Spirit or Spring & Summer and on into the Harvest, Amen...
Huh maybe God is a hermaphrodite but I think Mother Nature/Earth is God's Wife: The Mother Of His Children = God's Green Earth & Lady Wisdom Is The Actual Wife Of Jesus as well The Platonic Bride Of Jesus = The Body Of Christ = All Who Believe, Eh-men...
This Has nothing to do with the Colour Of Ones Skin or Any One With The Name Black:
The Darkness of Black is the lack of all colour of Life and is not a colour at all and is what governs the lack of life and is Death and Sin itself... White is all Colour and Black has no colour. It is the Heart of the individual that is important to God and it is where the true light of a soul lives... Skin colour is only to illustrate God's love of individual identity and Diversity of His Creations in Him through Jesus the Author and Vine of Life... Racism is sacrilege. It is the Heart that matters not skin colour; We are all Kin for Jesus' Sake... That is how much the darkness desires to devour and do the worst things to us. Sick beings/identities To Be Sure... I will do my best to continue to fight for God's Creations/Children... Thank you For Allowing me to swear because God Wishes none to perish and I know because of schizophrenia what hell is and I only heard a glimpse of its eternal pain & suffering of hell's fire and gnashing of teeth, Black Skin is beautiful especially when there is that amazing grace of glowing light to ones appearance and complexion; black hearts are that of which governs the darkness that tries its damnedest to take us out of the Book Of Life; what pain and stunted growth it brings to God's Children of All Creations So we must Rise Above The Darkness Through Jesus and Baptism of The Holy Spirit to Get to The Father... Sobering but Remember All Are Divinely Loved and Given The Freedom Of Choice to Choose Life Or Death. It should be an easier decision by Now Knowing The Understanding Of The Power Of Red & Blue all around you and your loved ones with in the Cities and Your Homes as well and also even in the country side, within nature, clothing and more...
I ask in the Name of Jesus that God Would Start Baptizing his Children that are Upright In Heart Towards God with the Rains of His Wife "Mother Nature" Himself but it has to be a conscious decision by the individual... Allow Yourselves to Dance and Sing In the Rain... Now That Is Being Divinely Loved by The Father Almighty with his Finest Of Wines Of Agape Love, Amen...
Much Love, Compassion and Respect.
Bobby P.
We Are Divinely Loved: To be or not to be? The Divine Truth Sets Us Free... I don't go to church because I feel my church is the universe, the earthly world and the earthly people in our lives; I feel I've Graduated but still go from time to time... The building is a school to learn more about the Word Of God and Praise God and it was where I saw The Word Of God bound in the colours of blue and red in my Grandfather's church in 2002... Bless you for the rest of your pilgrimage, Eh-men...
Sorry but this is serious and life threatening with out The Passover Grace of the Blood Of Christ: God loves those that are upright in heart and is an understanding and forgiving God!!! It is written that those whom are ashamed of him through Jesus; God will be ashamed of... (expired link)
Ween & Keep Going Green = Tesla & Faith Being Our Fertilizer...
Blessings All Nations, Faiths & Lovers to come into the Light and Life Of God through Jesus To Help God Dance On His Crystal Light Of Fame... There Are Many Good And Great People Of All Faiths but Jesus is The Only Way To Eternal Life.
Remember The Grace Of God because of the lies the ways of the world gives to us through the mind and seduction of the devil and his minions in the other dimensions and actions we produce.
Keep this in mind: "Heaven Would Not Be Heavenly Without Our Loved Ones" but greater is our reward in heaven to believe during the pilgrimage on Mother Earth before entering into Eternity of either Good or Evil...
It is God's Grace Through Jesus that can sanctify our Kin under Noah by just one in the family believing but the more the merrier; which makes the World A Safer Place To Help Bring The Flawless Victory For Our Kin of Mankind Of All Time Over The Darkness and those that sin against the Holy Spirit...
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