God's American Dream For The Americas & Beyond Is Far Superior: Divinely So!!!...

My dearly beloved Fans/Family Under Noah,
I have a new home/studio in Owen Sound Ontario but it WAS haunted and now dealt with by the power/force of The Blood Of Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit because Our Divinest White Light makes the darkness have to flee every time we ask in Jesus' Almighty Name.
While fighting the evil within this apartment building due to witch craft used at some point within this buildings 35 year life span along with this building being built on centuries old battle ground of two indigenous tribe and a battle against the English Settlers back in the day my spiritual battle along with our grandfathers, grandmothers and aunts and uncles of ancient antiquity to our present day's time as gone globe within the scientifically proven multidimensional spiritual realms and we have faith that the balance over evil is back in God's Favour so each of our Guardian Angel's Servitudes can be manifested in a higher and more efficient sustainable fashion due to the Greatest Exodus in to hell that should be known up to this time and date.
To Be OR Not To Be?
God's Dream/Plan for America/an individual is far better; divinely better really, then we can dream and put together ourselves!!!...
So: Please grow to the point of Loving God, Thy Neighbour as/and thyself wholeheartedly to then be allowed to receive God's/Jesus' Holy Spirit; so we can be Comforted and guided through each of our pilgrimages into the everlasting and help Jesus produce His Dream for The Americas & Beyond on into The Most High God's Divine Beyond in the state of dignity and grace replaced and maintained, so the darkness will have no power over us!!!...
I AM a real American Canadian.
Here I am Juliet! Where Art Thou?
Fight for what is right, just and true for the Liberty & Freedom that God so divinely designed his creations to reignite set Him and be made free & whole forever for as many generations as possible to be fruitful and multiply with babies & talents because God's Greatest Joy is Children, and hey, that's us.
How Now? You secret black and mid-night hag?
I have 21 new painting and a new sketch book summing up my online work.
Thank you all for enjoy this Tenth Dan Christian Man called to help Jesus bring in a new era for mankind, we are now journeymen, women and children of the industrial green revolution and no longer within its pioneer era, Thank God! Self sustaining houses is key to replace a 100 year infrastructure as The Modern Green Renaissance is now, as is our future because after 100+ years of war it is time for a rebirth and Jesus makes things new time and time again, so long as his creations of man, woman & kidkind have faith in him.
Yours truly,
Bobby P
Oh and I've record about ten new songs while kickin' the darknesses ass w/ Jesus & Our Ancestors/Our Heavenly Tones of Tons Of Home to the point of asking Jesus to pin the devil to his own penigram in Washington to help bring the balance on earth back in God's Favour, Stay Blessed and know we must ask In Jesus' Almighty Name in order to receive anything from Our Lord & Savior Through his Omnipowers as we keep in mind somethings we ask for will only be manifested in heaven but I completely sure Jesus has been dying to pin the devil/dragon/lavethen to the worst symbol God has ever had to deal within! Beware of false teachings and false idols. Read the book of Job and know All Things Are Possible Through Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ...