It Is Right & Just To Give God Thanks & Praise...
The Earthly And Heavenly Ways Of God...
The Earthly Ways Be For We Reach The Gates Of Heaven To Then Be Home With God...
The Art Of The Father, Son & Holy Spirit's Feet Get Immobile To Help Expand The Kingdom Of Heaven, Time and Time again By The Ways Of The World. The Body Of Christ's Feet Can Become Immobile From The Barricades Of The Ways Of The World As Well; I Am Thankful That The Body Of Christ has More Then Only Feet To Share The Gospel Of Our Lord: How Great Though Art, Who Art In Heaven to allow us to Be Artists To KEEP Expanding The Kingdom Of Heaven as we need to be able to do in this new era; without any barricading chains from the darkness, so our peace of The Lord will remain and be there in Our Work Place; in all kinds of studios, for all art practices even on the stage, to create and inspire more to help more do the same no matter their job/servitude on God's Green Earth, for as many generations to come as we can make possible, Amen!!!
The foundations of the ways of the world that are in the Divine White Lights within In the Eyes of Our Most High God And Those Who Believe In Jesus: John Chapter 1,3,15 & James 5:13-20; the foundations of darkness and the ways of the world are not only seen and heard by The Divine White Lights Of Eternal Life but the matured believing individuals of the Most High God all know the ways of the world don't have any life sustainable foundations to stand & live on forever, the foundations of the ways of the darkness and the ways of the world are built from the two dark arts of both their dark sciences and sorcery & witch crafts; which brings people into false teachings & leadership, time and time again, boo... So, Please for the love of God Repent back to God and give Our Most High God your all, By giving him the Only Tithe Needed To Give To God Ever ; Which If Give God Back your mind, body, heart and soul By having faith in and lifting our hearts up to The Lord God Almighty = Proverbs 3:9-12 but it is divinely okay to give extra gifts to God to help feed His Teachers Of The Word Of God and you will be Eternally Blessed After Our Earthly Pilgrimage. I give you; our earthly temple of The Growing Body Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, my two cents worth; like the old lady did within her poverty back in the day of Jesus' time; where Jesus said To His Disciples, "This Woman Has Given More Then All The Rest within her state of poverty, then all those who gave out of what they had to spare." HA HA, hugs and handshakes, hehe...