Lest We Forget

Dear Divine White Lights, We are pleased to inform you that, upon initial review by our judging panel, your music submission ‘Homage’ has been officially nominated for the November 2015 Akademia Music Award in your category. There were hundreds of submissions to consider, so it is a great accomplishment to advance to this stage. Please be sure to visit our website on Awards Day November 15th to view the winners and final results. We wish you good luck and look forward to announcing the results in a few short days. Sincerely, The Akademia It is so hard when even I want my online work to be complete but ones calling for the divine is not ever truly over; no matter how big or small that person's calling is, so please understand I must keep on keeping on as best I can so more can do the same!!!... I'm overwhelmed with emotion today!!! I need to enjoy a Plateau of regular energy level soon!!! Also aww voice just said after this update was first shared that I'll B able 2 rest well 2 fully heal if I remind us all that I'm a Schizic (A Prophetic Schizophrenic) so I can stop smoking!!! @Bobofredandblue you will find in my latest updates on Twitter that pays Homage to all our freedom fighters & peace keepers of all time as I feel led in my heart to share that both Veterans Day and Remembrance Day mean and do the same for Multitudes on Earth as it is in Heaven!!!... I finally learn the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day: both commerative U.S. Days of remembering those who sacrifice to serve and protect our freedoms were said to me at different times today, I apologize, I'm going to study more about both now!!! Only a few years ago did I learn about All Saints Day and the Seven Feasts and Festivals of Israel!!! Always more the learn and yes, retain, maintain & remember!!! Thank you all for our freedom!!! I'm a country boy; who loves the city life as well, who was asked by my heart, talents and The Most High God to do something great for God and His Creations by trying to answer many riddles; from vision, dreams, extra ideas, my fine art studies, my love of improvisational creative music, being led by The Holy Spirit Within a State of Spirit Writing as a mathematician of ideas with a dyslexic analytical mind, After Growing In Faith & Spirit By Learning & Practices The World Of God because we are all asked to first seek the Kingdom of God: hint, it is in your heart after being Baptized of both water then Holy Spirit, to then continually grow to receive the divine desires of our hearts and I myself only knew I had to seek the Kingdom Of Heaven around age 27-28. So, being a late bloomer of sorts for having such a daunting task to achieve after my vision of 1999, that brought me beyond only really having the dream of being a drawer, painter and hobby musician; I hated writing so much back in the day but God Had Greater Plans In Mind For My Life!!! So, having come this far in my journey as a single man still and for this reason as well as others; I feel I still have a baby faith, after having to sacrificed me having my own family life up to age 40 instead of having a family at an earlier age; not for lack of trying to find her mind you, to finally have my own family within these next few years for all those in my life to enjoy; which would be my most deepest divine desire/dream of my heart & spirit come true!!!... Thank You Lord For Giving Me "A Beautiful Mind." That is among my favourite movies of all time; which I haven't seen in such along time because of my old habit of feeling and understanding another person's pain and it makes me thankful I am alive during this day and age and not back then!!! I'm thinking of the man Russell Crow portrayed so well; John Nash, at peace now with Vincent Van Gogh, Sid Barrett and who have gone before us who's life journey's who didn't have a choice and had to fight the multidimensional spiritual warfare of the auditory and visual spiritual existence; (do to extreme complex circumstances of stress, heartbreak, high intelligence and sensory overload within the life of this world) which is unseen and heard by most of that which takes place between heaven's glory and honor and that of the demonic on earth, that I hope to God I have helped the world further understand the lives of the seers and hearers of the multidimensional realm of God's Green Earth: I love Carl Jung and Hope you all think I deserve to be like Daniel; where his people, of his time, came back to having Faith In God to have relative peace, at least within their own nation!!! In God We All Must Always Trust!!!...





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