Feel Good Inc.

Watch Me As I Navigate: HA HA HA HA HA...
I shared this with Justin Trudeau, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Sylvar TV, Grey Castle TV, Beckman TV and now all of my Fans/Family Under Noah so more can do the same:
This is something you all better get in your minds and hearts about me: I hate politics, lol...
I divinely love Divine Ruling Royalty; which is who governs the heavens forever and always and those of us on earth who conduct their lives with the earthly/heavenly ways above and beyond the ways of the world/demonic, rule and create everlasting fruit within God's Royalty...
Prophetic March & The Eternal Spirits has been change to Divine White Lights!!!
God Bless Us Everyone...
It is a more suitable Band Name for this fallen world to accept and means the same thing as the previous Band Name...
I haven't taken Abilify in over a month: I've lost 12 pounds and actually hear less now that I'm not taking it, I'm healing one day at a time but know this, hearing Jack White, Meg Smith, Kirtwood Smith, Patrick Swayze and John Candy with my ability to hear those in my heart; if my ability does not hear them themselves, so hearing their voices these past two weeks is what inspired the Band Name Change, Booyaw!!!!