Let Freedom Rein!!!

@Bobofredandblue: Jean Chretien Wrote to all the Liberal Volunteers Last Night and I replied: https://t.co/5XJVE7DSD7 & my last radio update from TheAkademia.com Dear Prophetic March & The Eternal Spirits, We are pleased to offer our congratulations once again! We have been informed that your song ‘Industrial Green Revolution’ continued to grow in popularity in its latest month of heavy rotation on numerous radio stations worldwide. This is great news! Please click here to view your latest spin report, which now reflects an impressive level of monthly spins: http://www.TheAkademia.com/spinreports/PropheticMarch-IndustrialGreenRevolution-Phase10.html Still there is more good news to report. We recently contacted the program directors from the Volt FM Worldwide Network. Upon hearing your song and reviewing your previous spin history, they were very excited and agreed to place ‘Industrial Green Revolution’ in heavy rotation on the following five stations in their network, effective September 1st: KVLT Dallas, Texas www.voltfm-radio.com/dallas KVTO Osaka, Japan www.voltfm-radio.com/osaka KVTB Brisbane, Australia www.voltfm-radio.com/brisbane KVTG Guangzhou, China www.voltfm-radio.com/guangzhou KVTC Cairo, Egypt http://www.voltfm-radio.com/cairo With these recent station additions, on top of a growing base of existing rotation, we expect to see continued expansion of your music to more listeners than ever. Congratulations on your continued success. We will continue to keep you updated on any news that we receive from the stations. Kind regards, The Akademia Team





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