UPDATE. Look at me, sending you ANOTHER email. That's TWICE this year! I'm on a roll... ;)
Posted at 2019-03-02
Posted at 2019-03-02
Peppes...Whoa, I don't even know what just happened there...PEEPS, I was going for PEEPS.
Cuz, you're my peeps.
Oh my.
ANYway, just wanted to update you guys on a little so'em so'em I'm working on...
It's a learning process, but I'm so excited to learn it!
I'm working up the sheet music for "Beauty Marks," and I have no idea when it will be finished 'cuuuuz...kids...haha BUT keep your eyes peeled! Which, let's talk about the phrase "eyes peeled" for just a sec here...why? Like, what does that even mean? Like, ow. OW.
Anyway, Beauty Marks piano sheet music coming your way aaaaaand theeeeen more to come!
I'm excited. You?