monopoly (remastered)

Accidentally on Purpose

Song Reviews

Monopoly! Another great track from a fine musician/composer.


The lyrics of "Monopoly" have a lot to say. This is a very insightful piece from Ralph Tomaselli. This acoustic rendition is a very beautiful piece. The vocal styling is excellent and typically Ralph. Musically, this is a rather haunting acoustic progression that forms a great unit with the lyric/vocal presentation. Another great piece from an excellent musician/vocalist!

United States, Arizona, Sun City


Shepseskare was a king of Ancient Egypt, the fourth[16] or fifth[3] ruler of the Fifth Dynasty. Egypt was unified at the time, with its capital located at Memphis.[17] Shepseskare is the least-known king of the Fifth Dynasty as very few artefacts dating to his reign have survived to this day. Only two cylinder seals of Shepseskare are known: one, made of bronze, bears Shepseskare's Horus name and was uncovered in the ruins of Memphis in the early 20th century.[b][1] The second seal, of unknown provenance, is made of black serpentine and reads "Shepseskare beloved of the gods, Shepseskare beloved of Hathor".[18][c] Beyond these two seals the only surviving artefacts attributable to Shepseskare are five fragments of seal impressions on clay from Abusir[19][20] and six further fragments discovered in the mortuary temple and Sanctuary of the Knife of the Pyramid of Neferefre, also in Abusir.[21][22] These fragments probably come from three different seals and were most likely placed on the doors of magazine rooms in the temple.[23] Drawing of the impression of a scaraboid seal with a seated man reading Shepes in the center and a sun disk reading Ra on the right. Drawing by Flinders Petrie of a scarab seal reading "Shepeskare" [sic] but probably dating to the Saite period.[24] Finally, there is a single scarab seal reading "Shepeskare" [sic] that the Egyptologist Flinders Petrie attributed to Shepseskare at the end of the 19th century.[25] Modern scholars doubt this attribution and rather believe the scarab to be a work of the much later Saite period (685–525 BC) executed in archaic style.[19][20] Equally, the scarab could belong to Gemenefkhonsbak Shepeskare, an obscure kinglet of Tanis during the 25th Dynasty (760–656 BC).[19][20] Historical sources The only[19] ancient Egyptian king list mentioning Shepseskare is the Saqqara Tablet (on the 28th entry).[26] The tablet was inscribed during the reign of Ramesses II (1279–1213 BC), around 1200 years after Shepseskare's lifetime, and records the dynastic succession Neferikare → Shepseskare → Neferkhare (a variant name of Neferefre).[27] Shepseskare is completely absent from another king list dating to the same period: the Abydos king list, written during the reign of Seti I (1294–1279 BC). He is also absent from the Turin canon (reign of Ramses II), although in this case a lacuna affects the papyrus on which the list is written at the place where Shepseskare and Neferefre's names should have been.[28][d] Of the two entries concerning Shepseskare and Neferefre on the king list, only one reign length is still legible and it has been variously read as one year,[30] eleven years[31] or one to four months.[29] The damaged state of the papyrus also makes it impossible to decide safely whose reign length this is.[19] Shepseskare was also likely mentioned in the Aegyptiaca, a history of Egypt written in the 3rd century BC during the reign of Ptolemy II (283–246 BC) by the Egyptian priest Manetho. No copies of the Aegyptiaca have survived to this day and it is now known only through later writings by Sextus Julius Africanus and Eusebius. Africanus relates that the Aegyptiaca mentioned the succession "Nefercheres → Sisires → Cheres" for the mid Fifth Dynasty. Nefercheres and Cheres are believed to be the hellenized forms for Neferirkare and Neferkhare (that is Neferefre), respectively. Thus, "Sisires" is traditionally believed to be the Greek name of Shepseskare, making Manetho's reconstruction of the Fifth Dynasty in good agreement with the Saqqara tablet.[27] Furthermore, according to Africanus, Manetho credits Sisires with seven years of reign while other sources report Manetho's figure as nine years.[3]

United States, Washington

We Have a Winner

Reminded me of the movie soundtrack from Ex Machina which was really good. Monopoly has a very modern and groovy sound. Would have liked to have more initial audio level on the track. Turn it up as loud as it could go on the system, but wanted it louder. Thought the arrangement was very good and the subject of monopoly was interesting. Monopoly is a winner, turn it up! Scott - World Famous Johnsons

United States, Colorado, Denver


First and foremost. I love this track. Its easy to listen to and its laid back. I'm digging the vibe and instrumentation of this song. Its very dynamic and it has a powerful atmosphere to it. Who would of thought a board game would cause inspiration for a great song like this to be made. I wish we had more songs like this on the radio. I give this song 5 stars for good song writing.

United States, Tennessee, Kingsport



Mexico, Veracruz


I like it! It has a great sound and I would add it to a play list. The drums are a little to far over the rest of the instruments but other than that it sound very good.

United States, Utah, santaquin

Monopoly Pass go and collect $200

Cool song, nice acoustic guitar through out, 6/8 timing I think. Would like to hear this song with a big production and the vocals more up front. But over all a good feel to what seems like a demo leading to an eventual full production? It's a slow build, but worth waiting to see where it all goes. Keep up the good work, R.T. !

United States, New York, New York

at Song in the 90ies style

Great Song in the 90ies style like Soundgarden. The production brings a good mood and the guitar sound with the violines, paying really of with the voice.

Germany, Erfurt


Simple tune though.Rallph what caught my attention is your voice.BIG THUMB UP-alright.You use your voice in the very personal creative way making it song alive-lot of dynamics.Nice background from violins etc.I only missed nice Bridge.Keep up a good work.CHEERS

Netherlands, Rotterdam

Interesting Lyrical Content

I really enjoyed the strings and synth feel in this track-the production is good, I would place the vocals more upfront but that's more a case of mixing really-all in all it has a total smooth feeling throughout. Great songwriting and Alternative tension

South Africa, Johannesburg


Cool tune here... good melodies and chord progressions... I don't know the effect on the voice is necessary. Sounds like Ralph can sing so mix wise I would let that come through. Or is it because of a really lo-res mp3? Not sure. In any case, there's a good song here. Nice lyric concept as well... overall nicely done.

United States, Pennsylvania, Sodium City


when I listen to this song at first I could not hear it but it started getting a little louder then I could hear the acoustic guitar and the soft voice of the singer this is the first time I have listened to the song about a game monopoly at first I was wondering what it would be about then I started getting to like itI was thinking by the second verse it would get heavy metal it seems like it's that type of song but I kept with the imagination that was in line mind I was hoping that the drummer would really rock it out but it's somewhat stayed soft but I like the song and thought it was well played and will sung wish you all the best and good song

United States, Tennessee, Nashville

Good Rock song !

This song reminds me of the time I was listening to staind . It is a great song with good vocals and I like the instrumental part as well. The music is mixed so well and the vocals are standing out. I really like the feel this song is giving me. Adding strings to this song is absolutely great. Overall I think this is a great song.

Netherlands, Noord-scharwoude

Review of monopoly

The song feel goods. The different instruments blend well together. The lyrics are good, kind of like someone's dream although the message is not entirely clear.The sound is a bit faded could be more clear. The song structure is well put together. I love this artist! Need to check out his other stuff.

Canada, Ontario, North Bay

great Pop Song

It's a great Rock-Pop Ballade witrh a wonderfull voice anjd great lyrics. It remainds me oft the 90ies with Bands like Soundgarden and Faith No More (the voice).

Germany, Erfurt

says what it does

So, the song content and the song title are at one. Its message is simple and clear, one can draw on it like an anthem, like a catchy refrain. It's a very electronic synth track, and I'd love to hear a more acoustic/ rock one, for the fun of it, just cos i hear the raw power behind your own vocals and music! Good luck with where this takes you Tomaselli! Greetings from the emerald isle :)

Ireland, An Scairbh

Its a gamble with monopoly

This is the first time I have taken a listen this artist from the U.S. the song starts a little slow but builds into something quite cool and the lyrics are well done. I can see Ralph doing some fun but deep rock shows around the country. Check him out.

Australia, Kingaroy





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