there's only so much you can do

there's only so much you can do

Song Reviews

There's Only So Much You Can Do review

I can only say you have a very unique style that the more of your songs I review, the more I like them. This one is a fine example of your style. Very hypnotic with a great steady groove going on throughout the song. It changes just enough to keep the listener interested from start to finish. The production mix is done very well with your vocal levels right where they need to be over the track. Your separation of instruments lend to the enjoyment of those listening with headphones as well. All in all, I can't say anything is wrong with this song. Well done! Keep writing...

United States, California, San Diego

There's only so much you can do review

There's only so much you can do hit's the mark with its rock solid groove suggestive of a movie chase scene it's insidious b minor groove underscores the heavy title chant as a wailing rock guitar punctuates every sentence..... An effective counterpoint to the heavy message that hypnotically permeates the composition

Canada, Ontario, Toronto

Ralph tomaselli.. there's only so much you can do!

well Ralph treats us to a great beat and interesting psychedelic style rock sound which sort of improves as it goes as the track progresses as you settle in to the frequency and style of the track . with vocals effected and layers of instruments and samples sneaking in here and there great chill party track as one relaxes and has a little escape.. well All I can say is press play and feel the California influenced Rock...Thanks for Sharing your Music Ralph

United Kingdom, Gloucester


Love the drums, I like the production sound and the rowdiness as well as laid back feel of the track. I can feel the heart in this showing you've put in some dedicated work on your art. I love the message More artist should study the roots of their culture of art more to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. If you're ever looking for a hip hop collaboration hit me up I'm versatile. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

Killer Groove!

Killer Groove to the beginning of this song! The guitar work is tastefully put together into the mix and the synth work just adds more candy to an already nice mix.Vocally the song is not overdone which I think is really good for this song. The song breathes really well with just the right amount of production being applied. The drums are mixed just right and in the pocket. The bass guitar is just grooving in a huge way. The lyrics are cool for this composition as well. I like the fact that the music takes you places while listening. It's out of control!! Love it!

United States, Indiana, Kokomo

There’s only so much

A lot of distortion at the start which I wasn’t quite sure about but as soon as the voice kicked in l got it, what a great idea. It wasn’t done for just the sake of it either there was / is a real production design target here the vocal was sort of apocalyptic and really really completely compelling. The ending took me quite by surprise I didn’t want it to finish. Overall impressive production and direction which for me completely worked, I think it would be great for anyone because of the way it’s been done. Great stuff guys I recommend this track. Artey

United Kingdom, Bridport, Dorset

Bop review

So another song here sounds good so let's get right into it.first off very tight rhythm section and guitars on too of it.the whole song sounds sort of metal and industrial sounding track.i like the effect on the vocals almost like an envelope effect happening here.speaking of vocals very well sung and a real tight harmony.this is a cool track to listen too and it's very professional.

United States, Pennsylvania, Nazareth

sii può fare

che dire di tomaselli ha un ottimo modo di comporre con suoni molto accattivanti che ti ipnotizzano la sua musica scorre piacevole nonostante non sia prettamente pop ma riesce a darti quel senso di sorpresa che ti aspetti dalla sua musica. buona fortuna tom.

Italy, Taranto

There’s only so much you can do

Hey Ralph, great song! That driving beat makes you want to keep moving. The lead guitar really stood out during the instrumental section and really pushed the song along. The “almost talking” of the lyrics was very effective but I couldn’t quite hear them at times so I wish your voice was clearer. As well, you might think about adding a a more melodic vocal bridge after the instrumental to give it another dimension. Similar to what some rap artists do when they add a vocal melody refrain that complements the other vocals. Just my 2 cents, really enjoyed it. All the best!

Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver

Loving the vibe!

I love your guitar intro it hits you immediately! This song has a cool vibe, driving, interesting. I found the vocals, both in the mix, and diversity of the left of right channel use. The spoken work part really fit in well creating good contrast to the music. Well done!!

United States, California, Los Angeles

Unique Sounds

good afternoon thank you for sharing these instrumental with me I really like it it's a very unique Smoove soundtrack very clear will fit together very creative. Sorry it took me so long to review your song on backup boring feeling songs and doing other things. Continue to be created people making Green music station from this time that we live in keep on sharing it ever stop making Green music. Hope you had a wonderful week does far thank you again for sharing this instrumental with me I really like you have a wonderful day and God

United States, California, Every Where

very adept player and music tight original more than most

like this guy salot and hes very incred on the old axe seems the guy has adept players also theis horn section is really ba nging the notes out strong and the vocals vould be stronger sounding but its passable but would needed remix brfore worldr ealeases for sure it si good though very goo i would have him play with anyone rellyy

United States, Texas, Austin




The Chosen One

"Ralph Tomaselli" has sent me a request to review his song "there's only so much you can do". Sometimes, I will find out later that the artist never sent a request to be reviewed and that Number One Music has sent out an algorithm. Well, Ralph Tomaselli didn't really send a request to review his song "there's only so much you can do", I was just running low on Bling so I went searching for someone I could pick on. So, like thumbing through a phone book, closing my eyes and putting my finger to a name, Ralph Tomaselli became the choosen one. Unfortunately for me, I picked the wrong guy to pick on, I can only say this stuff kicks ass!!!


here's only so much you can do review. this song is a strictly Rock piece in the highest sense of the word. everything sounds in Rock ballad as I said everything recalls the Rock genre. personally it is not my favorite genre but I can give you a musical judgment that is certainly positive because all that there must be in a Rock piece in your piece is therefore complimented and continues. good job

Italy, italy

there's only so much you can do

Well done...This is a track that can go to the top. You Are Nearly there. I Love what you are doing...Rock on. You, as a group on to it. The track Should be continued, & Feature Some of Your Musicians...It's Too Short.....& Needs To Feature Your Band More, In My Thoughts...I Only give it a 3.7 Because of this...Please redo it... Not Bad, Could Be Better, & A Hit...

United States, Texas, Houston

Do more

One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song Ralph delivers another winner where we've got a slick music production that's well produced, well mixed. His smooth vocals lend to this sci-fi inspired song which should be heavily featured in Matrix 4!

United States, California, Huntington Beach

let al capone out of the box set the devil free

Your music is happening but give me more if a dark afro jungle beat ket the feaks loose Give me ten ethnic drums layered Your voice needs more attitude sing like you want to give someone abeat down, add mutiple chorus to song You have to much space in song, from front to back give me vocals and noise give me a head achet spray that sonic roach spray Your attitude must become more agressive drums more third world make your music and endless sonic explosion, your style kis criminal caveman kick my ass with grooviness youve got the mojo magic time to deliver dude Love spencer-guuyus-crosse

United States, New Jersey, Jersey City





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