About Ravis Armxrng
Ravis Armxrng’s debut album, The Jaws of Life, is due to be released this year. He is the founder of Rhyme Boss Publishing and the independent record label Armored Car Entertainment which has existed since 2002. Ravis is an artist, music producer, and studio engineer. He owns and operates his own studio and has proven to learn his way around other music studios rather quickly. He is known for such music hits as Million$, That’s Boss, Suspect, Private Eye, and Goin’ Hulk on ‘Em.
In 2001, Ravis earned a General Studies Degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Currently working on receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in eBusiness at Ashworth College, he also studies lexicography, astronomy, and cosmology as a hobby. In addition, Ravis has gone through entrepreneurial and management training and has earned a certification in each. Having earned a class A CDL from the Diesel Driving Academy in 2003 and driven cross-country for a while, Ravis has ventured to append a trucking division to his enterprising company, Armored Car Ent.
In the near future Ravis Armxrng plans to be engaged in his own real estate investment projects and is currently debating on which charities and/or foundations to be closely involved with in efforts to give back to his own community and to inspire others to do the same.
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