Atmosphere of Worship

Reggie Hardy & Body Of Praise

Song Reviews

An Beautiful Spectacular worship Masterpiece

A very beautiful worship song, the piano track is prefect to set the atmosphere for worship. The vocals are well balance and blended and will usher you right into the presence of God. I love how the strings compliment this song and the very soft synthesizer with just the right heavenly touches and riffs. What a beautiful arrangement from beginning to the end. This song is an spectacular masterpiece that deserves all the recognition that it gets, it will truly lead its listeners right into the presence of God through the anointing. Great Job!

United States, Florida, Orlando

WOW! Praise GOD

Your vocals have a great tone and the backup vocals sound very beautiful. The instrumentals have a sweet sound. I really think how the buildup grows, it just touches my heart, and my soul.

United States, California, Shasta Lake


A very good evening to you guys from Ireland and thank you kindly for the chance to review your Christian Track "ATMOSPHERE OF WORSHIP" which may i say that i found your Gospel Composition in my personal music opinion to be a very uplifting track with outstanding vocals and harmonies and you full Production was Produced and Recorded to a very Professional standard and i truly enjoyed the chance to review your Great Track and look forward to hearing from you again.

United Kingdom, Belfast


Worship is obedience everything else is praise…. When you sing unto the Lord it is a praise but when you obey then and then only do you worship him in spirit and in truth. Then you get past the goosebumps of people being on one accord and go unto the next step of praise

United States, Georgia, Savannah

My reflections / Atmosphere of Worship

First, before one note or vibration begins - the title: Atmosphere of Worship has created the anticipation for something special... the soft flowing piano does not disappoint. Lovely & enchanting the red carpet is rolled out before the vocals enter the song. Perfect! The mix with the piano surrounded by cool streams of sounds on both sides is just right for the lead vocals to usher the listener into God's presence. Love it. The words "The Atmosphere of Worship in this place." echoes over and over - but the repeating refrain works because the female background voices make for a wonderful harmony of sounds that lifts the song up higher and higher. Great crescendo happens as the drums & bass join in with the effect being like being swept up to the heavens - yeah into a higher atmosphere!! A platinum worship song from top to bottom. The songs simple lyrics are perfect for this song - allowing the listener to just fall into the mood and sweet atmosphere this song creates... This song as far as "worship songs" goes - is as good as it gets. The only suggestion is the title should have the definite article: The before the words: Atmosphere of Worship. That being said, this song is soooooo nice. Thanks for sharing such a blessed song of worship. Michael

United States, Michigan, Flushing

your music is important to me

i want to be say that your music is great, the way your praised God , it make me jealous of the love that you have for God, its not easy to know God this much and the words you used to explain God has been great, i really cant say much but i am grateful for the kind of music that you give me and let me listen to , i have not heard this kind of music in a long time , i am truthful with this, i have been listen to your music nor stop.

United States, Maryland, Bowie


This music piece is beautifully arranged and has the gift of the “Anointing” in it. Continue to be obedient to Our Father and share your melodies with the world. May Gods continue to bless you in your endeavors!

United States, Georgia, Marietta

Atmosphere of Worship

Amei! faça mais canções penetrantes como "Title of Your Review " pois toca a alma e eleva o espírito, parabéns muito obrigado Reggie Hardy & Body Of Praise .por me deixar comentar sua música, sou o cantor Clênio Marques e sinto-me muito honrado e orgulhoso por isso. que Deus continue abençoando, paz!

Brazil, Patos de Minas

atatmosfera cantata da una bella voce

atatmosfera cantata da una bella voce con ì cori ben messi nell'arrangiamento e si deve notare che il cantante professuinale si trova anche una bella canzone da contare e come dicevo ben coadiuvato da ottime coriste che sono di alto livello e svariano libere sulla mekodia arrandiamento cantanti compositori e arrangiatori e' ub mix di grandi musicisti che esprimono la loro grande arte

Italy, dalmine bg

Your song is very inspiring

God is to be praised. I like your song and it is very inspiring. I pray that the Lord will continue to help you and give you more songs that will be a great blessing to your generation. keep soaring

United States, Texas, Denton

Atmosphere of Worship

Great song really love this song great piece of art work delivered beautifully guitar sounds are amazing sing great backing vocals are great while I'm writing this and im listening to this a second time......I just love it,.......the lyrics are awesome tbe arraignment are awesome's written and delivered beautifully ...the lead guitar sound as me myself a guitar player love tbe sound. I just started for the third it love it love it ........tbe musicianship is great was played vreat ..................thank you for letting me review this song I truely love it......................

United States, New York, Middle village





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