Remerge Band
1 month ago

Facebook denies postings of songs

Dear fellow musicians I have had several songs taken down on Facebook why I don’t know. They say it’s inviting violence or other bs!!! I say we all take this to FB and put them in their place. I did email support here on N1m they never answer. They only take our money to renew our accounts anyone with an idea ??

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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