9 years ago

Feed The Fire

Hello! Please allow me to introduce myself (finally). I am Brandon "Parm" Parmely, the guitarist and lyricist behind Remission. It pains me to inform you that we have been split up for about 2 years now, but we all remain great friends. We enjoyed our time playing together as a band, and it brought pure joy to my heart hearing and seeing the ideas in my head come to life! This came as such a surprise when I received so many updates still to this day with amazing people like yourself still giving our music a chance. I want to give back to you. I will be uploading two new songs, "Feed The Fire" and "Say Anything", two songs off our debut album that were the most popular with our listeners. Both songs are free to stream AND download as our gift to you. Thank you again for being a part of this amazing journey and proving to me that while we parted as a group; the music continues to live on!





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