12 years ago

What`s Up!

I'm RicaaN, a Puerto Rican Hip-Hop artist residing in Indianapolis. Just wanted to take the time to briefly introduce myself to all of you. I love music and hope to spark change with it. Hopefully the effort I put into my craft will pay off tenfold in the future. Anyways, I'm dropping my debut solo mixtape "Truth" on 3/17/2013 (or for those outside of the United States this would be 17/3/2013) You can find ALL of my music on: Reverbnation.com/RicaaN and you can also download my app for android at: http://www.reverbnation.com/RicaaN/app Thank you for your support, let's get this movement going. All I ask is that you share my music to AT LEAST ONE PERSON. This makes more of a difference than you might think. - Chris "RicaaN" Atiles





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