Song Reviews

The Signs along the road lead to A Great Song!!!

This is an excellent example of a song done right. All Instruments were well mixed with the levels blended professionally. There is great detail given to every aspect of this project. There is a nice natural build up and release between the anticipation of each verse. There is a nice echo that answers the well executed melody that delivers a wonderful message. Good job on the lyrics. The change or bridge was supported by a perfect interval. The background counter-melody compliments the entire arrangement. I appreciate you giving the notes being expressed their full musical value and your allowing that note to ring almost into the next expression. It makes that single musical moment stand on its own. I could listen over and over again. Rick Line, the signs along the road all point towards a Great Song that deserves to take its place among the other songs throughout time that were done very well. This song only needs 1 thing... A Chance. Rick, Great Job!!! I am Stan Barnes and I approve this review .

United States, Michigan, Detroit

Perfect arranged Pop-Ballad

Rick Line as composer and songwriter, shows additionally as producer of this recording another example of his creativity. Liked it right from the start. He sings with charackteristical voice and a great vocal projection like Chris Rea. The impressive lyrics and the chorus making the meaning of the song engaging for me. Melodious chords and arpeggios are enough for a good song, accompained by symphonical sound from the keys. Some brilliant digital sound effects making this composition complete. Imaginative transitions of the acoustic-guitar accompanes the song, making the music rich and brings the listener on the next level. All instruments really stand out. Overall a very impressive arrangement perfect mixed and mastered. The lyrics can let you dream and is also influenced by contemporary pop music in perfect instrumental orchestration. This song must be a radio hit and it´s an original. I find it extremely good and can see why you're N1M. Love your music ;-)

Germany, Hamburg

Relaxing sound

I really enjoy your sound honestly your music calms me down when I feel sad :) I love your honesty within your music and I also admire your lyrics, keep making music I love your sound and I’m glad I’ve listened to you

Australia, Melbourne

Smooth Singer Songwriter Singing Five Minutes Along The Road

I like the voice, sounds full with this chorus effect. Good mixm clear voice, guitar and drums. Typical singer songwriter arrangement with acoustic guitar. Would you consider to replace the strings, what sounds very old school, with a synthie? If not, then ok, that's let's say traditional.

Austria, Vienna

Sign Along The Road

A great tone to your singing voice, if I was a Judge I would vote yes after the first few lines of lyrics. Excellent acompaniment, rich tones in the guitar and a reall classic feel to this "love lost "song. The gentle melody softens the blow of the message of the song This song in itself is like a ballad, a life journey's song. It speaks to many souls and hearts. That is what great music is meant to do. I hope it goes up to the top of your Genre. I would also put it in Pop Rock Genre. It has a similar sound to Abba songs. I love hearing the rich guitar tones. It is really beautiful.

United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales

best voice with a smoothie guitar

I like really the voice by Rick, it is smoothie, calm, relaxing and it makes me feeling silent. even the guitar and how it is played makes me happy. It sounds like the wide of the beautiful country Sweden.

Germany, Berlin

Signs along the road

Hello Rick, Im sure by now you know this is a great song as many before me have told you. It is well produced and mixed and it sounds like you put great effort into writing the lyrics. I see you dont bother how long the song is and as Ive been told when writing a song it tells you were it is going ,the start to the end. Your voice is world class sounding a lot like the Beatles and very commercial. The whole thing about this song is great, you well deserve 5 stars and no wonder you are no 1 on n1m...good on you and stick with what ever you are doing, its working thats for sure...cheer Johnny Shilo Melbourne Australia ????????????????????

Australia, Melbourne

Sing a Song

One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song we hear a wonderfully produced, well performed song that is simply charming to the ears. Vocally, the seasoned sincerity lends a knowing presence.

United States, California, Huntington Beach

70's Lyrics

Little" Duran Duran," a little of the "Monkeys". I love them both. I'm a 70's baby, so I can see the importance in the gentler lyrics, as are used here. The music is sweet and it flows evenly. I would just amp up the composition a bit, possibly in different areas to keep everyone's attention. I loved the vocal; I wouldn't change that. As I mentioned, the lyrics are sweet, there's nothing wrong with that; That's always popular. Sometimes it's better to stick with popularity. I would continue with his style and just embrace it even louder.

United States, Oregon, Portland

Elegant sound

The begin of this song seems country music, but then there's a pop sound more and it's positive, because the mix is elegant. The duet is likely, an important element to boost up in other songs.

Italy, Monfalcone, Trieste

Unique Song

I really love the title and the song very unique and creative well put together well-written. Thanks you for allowing me to review and listen to your song I love all genre of music. The background music is on hit keep me posted on any new music that you may have. Stay creative and unique keep on making great music. Have a wonderful day and may God continue to bless you in all your creativity and endeavors peace keep on rocking.

United States, California, Every Where

Smooth chill and Great rock!!!!!

Usually I am a stickler about guitar and vocal mixtures with different accents but this accent is grunge. Uncle cracker meets kurt kovain cobain. Beautiful transition and drim control. because songs like these are more balladable, the end should have been a bridge closer to the middle of the song but still job well done.

United States, Illinois, Chicago


I Like The Song and Yes I like The Total Package..If You just make It a little Shorter that will help Your Song with The Pitching Process..Music Publishers and Radio Stations mostly using around 3.5 min long but .Try to send It to Them and Let's seewhat will happen..I like It.. but They are Holding Key to The Door..and They are not easy to Please..I wish You good luck with submissions.. You did a good job ( I'm not sure is Original or Cover ).. Keep Going..

United States, California, Los Angeles


This is nice song but I think will be a good idea to cut out some instrumental parts to make It shorter around 3.5 min long ( Main Radio Stations very rear play longer songs ) as It is good to play life ..Music Publishers are Hard to please but who knows just try but remember ..Your Song MUST catch Theirs Ear in LESS than 10 if I be You I will make a New Recording for Them and Radios..I wish You good luck with pitching.. Good Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles

Signs Along The Road

From The Start, "A Bit Of Fresh Air."... Good choice Of Musicians. All Complementry , Each To The Other. Good Vocals,for this song. I Only Wish That The Producer, Had Unlimeted Funds, & Time. This Shuld Do Well Globely. Sometimes, A Production Can Be One Step Away From World Class Music....This Could Be One Of Those Songs......Congratulations.------Grady Lark

United States, Texas, Houston

Along the Road

Like the easy guitar start it does paint a picture of moving along, the rhythmn section is tight, the vocals have a bit too much effect and I would like to hear the harmonies a notch up, the lyrics are dragged in the middle of the song to fit the timing "Just" was a typical example love the guitar work for me it makes the song. listening to the song I am trying to equate why the signs are making you leave. it seems that there is too much to go and do rather than slow down and fade away.

United Kingdom, Southampton

In MY Opinion

Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning another's creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is very crisp and bright and clear, I really enjoyed the soft guitar work. Vocals are smooth and natural, down to earth as they say, and extremely peaceful. The mix levels let me know who was still in charge of this song. Very easy to sit back and listen to the entire song. I really liked it. Held my focus. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny

United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT

Great song has a Petty feel

This artist is amazing seems to me he has bit of Tom Petty influence in him, but with Christian like feel and his own original twist to it! Keep up the good work,and fight the good fight I recommend this artist if you like Tom Petty Beatles etc great job

United States, Pennsylvania, Lewistown


Okay, that's what I'm talking about, Rick... This song has it all. Soft music,strong lead vocalist with a story line that comes in harmony. Very nice job. You have a new fan. I will now look up more of your sounds. Magic

United States, California, San Francisco

Review - Signs Along the Road

Nice mix of instruments. Good use of 12 string guitar in the solo and background. Maybe strange or unusual song but it sounds actually pretty good. I dont now if its your own background in the song or echo effect or background vocals or maybe both. I miss a instrument. Maybe a pan flute or flute mix or Grand Piano. I think you have soft synths in the background in the verses. I like the ref. It is really good. The bass is stable together with the drums. My personal like is more native drums instead of pop/rock drums but thats just me LaSueede. Good track. One of the better i been listen to hear on N1M.

Sweden, Stockholm





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