Ola! thank you for following me here..
I've been in the studio here we're doing soundtrack gig for 2 indie films at the moment so that's why you haven't heard back from me if you wrote, so sorry to be so lax. Hope you are taking good care of yourself and keeping safe, wearing mask, distancing, etc. This thing is so very over my head, and I don't take it lightly. Let's win over this and gain our freedom as soon as it's safe! Safety first. Music is the best. Thank goodness it's the great healer that it is. I'll try to post more updates and tracks soon. If you're looking to listen to some soundtracks, you can check this site out for our work meanwhile... (not sure if they'll let me post this, but otherwise you can look it up under "Nekujak & Donnay" and go to "playlists" ! Thank you and be well. https://soundcloud.com/nekujak-donnay/sets