Heal The Nation
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Heal The Nation Review
"Heal The Nation" reminds me of a classic blues song. The drums and guitars carry the song while the accompanying instruments support the song until the end. Healing is very much needed.
United States, Texas, Garland
The Sincerity is no doubt real :-)
The Sincerity is no doubt real :-) These days, it's so very important to support and share the policy of Good Will. This feels nice and easy to listen to. (Positive Criticism) -The Mix needs attention and a Good Mastering is a definite requirement here. Nice job in being honest and providing a Spirit of HEALING. (especially NOW) Thank you so much for sharing! be well and KEEP on CREATING! :-)
United States, Louisiana, Lake Charles
I like the music and the direction that you go keep up the good work definitely wish you happiness about your visit career ain't your success and no more lack of good music thanks to their musicians like me and you and the rest of people in this bathroom we can find a better tomorrow for the world thank you and peace and blessings
United States, New York, Brooklyn
learn the art of mixing,please
this is going to be a very honest review, and you probably won't like it, or even agree, so here goes.....I have listened to several of your "songs" I think this is the first I 'm reviewing .....Your mixes are atrocious, why because other than the bass you badly undercut everything else. Ultimately all I hear is the structure other song, because of the bassline, problem is there are no dynamics, a very simplistic drum machine, and barely audible is everything else. A bassline does NOT make for a good instrumental, if there is nothing else. You MUST learn to record better, and to make sure there is a balance between instruments, BUT MOST IMPORTANT is to carry an instrumental you need a melody, and you have none, also these "songs" should have vocals , your arrangements call for that..... So sorry but this ain't what you'd put on the radio. and they should be that quality.
United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Nice beat
U enjoyed listening to this from the start all the way to the end. It's a nice steady beat throughout and was a good listen and chill. I hope to hear more from you in the future. Keep up the good work. SOB ThisLife
United States, Florida, Orlando
Sounds pretty much unfinished
After having listened for some 02:30 I started to realize that this might be an instrumental. But then again I asked myself "Where's the lead instrument then?". No melody, no solo, just a floor of sound with a bumpy drumset, a cumbersome organ and some more or less fancy guitar figures slightly out of tune. If that's what it takes to Heal The Nation I'd be happy, but I have some doubts. Probably this is a piece of art and I am just too dumb to understand. At least this is what I use to think in such cases, in favour of the respective artist. Or it is simply not ready and needs quite some addiitional work, instrumentally and of course also technically. You may choose the answer that suits you better, I'm ok with both.
Germany, Schweinfurt
Solid Track
Very nice and mellow track. I like to hear music that hmsometimes doesn't have words it allows you sit back enjoy the vibe that it brings. You are healing the world with these tunes. Keep grinding!!!!
United States, New York, Buffalo
Nice I love it I love it I love it I love the sound I love the vibe I love the quality music to my ears I would even recommend this song to my friends and I know for sure they would love it we wanna hear more
South Africa, Three Rivers East
The beat goes on.
I think your song is great. It is pretty straightforward and easy to listen to. I enjoyed the tempo of the song and the different variations of instrumental sounds. Keep up the great work and maybe add some room for vocals. Sending you great vibes always. Sheri
United States, Oklahoma
aperimentale ma il giro diaccordi non e' brutto e si potrebbere mettere u8n organo o una chitarra e' proprio sperimentale e non si capisce proprio tanto c'e' la volonta di fare qualcosa ma si spera in qualcusa di sugo come il giro di basso pa poi per il resto la solita solfa prova ancora forse farai meglio
Italy, dalmine bg
Heal The Nation review
Really like the intro to this number you're working on here. It took me awhile to see it was just the track with no vocals. Oops.. So, I'll just talk about the track and its production value. I find the synth, bass and drums right out front and easy to hear what you're doing throughout this song. I kept thinking I was hearing guitar in the background and it wasn't until almost the end that I did hear some guitar. I would suggest bringing up the guitar earlier in this song if that was what I was hearing earlier in it. Not a bad start on this one. Keep up the good work! dolylamby
United States, California, San Diego
Healing Now
One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song the intro makes me think I should be smoking weed before turning this on - the smooth groove and easy jam is just pure bliss. Simple. Innocent. Subtle. A nice background song in a motion picture, for sure.!
United States, California, Huntington Beach
Tall tales
United States, New York, Brooklyn
Heal The Nation
Great Instrumental great piece of work ............wow nice this AWESOME .this instrumental song has a really good.and ....................................the song was put together is very unique.......................................just love the way the sounds they were like instruments were spot on ................. perfectly........................can't say enough about this instrumental song......................................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thankyou..................................
United States, New York, Middle village