Song Reviews



I really dig this track! It starts off electric with some great drums and then the guitar slaps! The keys a bit over a minute in are great, could maybe increase in volume a bit. Really great track!

United States, Florida, Ocala

Awesome song


The music had great sounds and tones that really grabbed my attention. Vocals were on point and complimented the music and style. I really enjoyed it a lot. Just wanted to give you a little feedback didn’t have anything negative to say about it at all. Thanks for your time

United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home

Un Mil Usos...


Robert Watson...¿Qué puedo decir sobre "Jack of all trades"? ... En México, este término tiene una connotación muy de clase; de desigualdad social, Utilizado con las personas pobres y desempleadas que deben ejercer cualquier oficio para sobrevivir... 1.- No se si tu intención fue la de describir, una situación parecida a la de mi país, pero en cuanto conecte con el hilo de la canción, inmediatamente me remitió a la forma de vivir tan despreocupada que tiene estas personas, A pesar de sus dificultades como trabajadores precarios... 2.- Tienes un talento natural para describir ambientes que casi se materializan en todos y cada uno de nuestros sentidos... 3.- No voy a insistir en que tu trabajo esta muy bien logrado. simplemente felicidades !... 4.- Quizás lo único que me quedas a deber es una Voz que reafirme esa condición de la realidad tan dura para muchos... 5:- Sin ser una canción de protesta, Logras hacernos conscientes de que así es como vivimos... 6.- Supongo que hay mucho más por venir y creo que estas apunto de redondear tu obra, solo faltan esos detalles... 7.- Entiendo lo difícil que es la creación de obras completas, Pero cuando las vez terminadas nada se compara al "...Ok se graba... !!" ...Felicidades y mucho éxito...!! dzb.

Mexico, D.F.

A Rewarding Retrospective


It's always good to remember the progressive rock classics of the seventies. So, take a break and listen to Robert Watson and you'll feel like you're in the middle of a top-rated seventies festival!

Brazil, Teresópolis

My Favorite Groove by Robert Watson


This tune is perhaps my favorite groove by creative recording artist Robert Watson. Starts with a drum intro; then, some minor seventh sounding chord progression on keyboard, then a very distorted phase-shifty sounding guitar. Some light riffing/rhythmic chording on guitar; brief fuzzy phase guitar solo over rhythmic guitar chords. Then there's some synth "Ahs". This is followed by some nice complimentary bass runs, The shifting drum patterns kept it interesting. The has a loose grooving jazz-rock vibe. Overall fine effort by Mr. Watson.

United States, Florida, Orlando

Buen rif


Es un riff potente y cálido, te felicito. Resaltan súper bien el bajo, la batería y luego la guitarra, me fascinan esos compases irregulares que le da dinamismo al tema y muy interesantes esos sintetizadores que luden a unos coros, otra vez felicitaciones!

Ecuador, Quito

Jack of alm trades


wow nice some rlAWESOME what a beautiful ..........VOICE and iove the way it was sung the way the vocals are done.................this song has a really good melody lines.......................the backing vocals are amazing the way they were collaborated.................... ...simply were amazing cant say enough the way they were sung.................the song was put together is very unique..........just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on........................ the vocals had a perfect pitch..................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thsnk you....................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you again...........................

United States, New York, Middle village

Plenty Pros, Few Cons


This is some great stuff here! What a groove! A bit anachronistic and needs a good mixdown but altogether hot, blue, and righteous! There's a reason this is in the top of the charts! Keep up the good work!

United States, Tennessee, Memphis

excellent musicianship and production


Sweet groove grabs you right from the start. Funky rhythm guitar, smooth walking bass jam, stinging lead guitar riffs. Some nice keyboards washes and tight drums! DIG THE WIDE MIX! I liked everything about this song.

United States, New York, New York

Jack of all trades


first off, right out of the gate it has that killer 1970 vibe. .love that. Great musicianship, but by far very first thing that popped in my head was.......Isley Brothers. tone and playing everything. In case you didnt know who they are..The Isley Brothers (/ˈaɪzliː/) are an American musical group originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, that started as a vocal trio consisting of brothers O'Kelly Isley Jr., Rudolph Isley and Ronald Isley in the 1950s. With a career spanning over seven decades, the group has been cited as having enjoyed one of the "longest, most influential, and most diverse careers in the pantheon of popular music"...Im guessing being from Ohio may have sparked that..Good stuff all the way around.. congrats.

United States, Michigan, Detroit

Amazing work, great song.


it's been a while sine I have heard god music like that! I love the vibe and I love how you guys put such good feelings into it. Had me tabbing my feet from the start. I at le4ast heard this song 4 times. I swear I feel in love with it.......very good....this is a great piece, Loved it.

United States, New York, New York

Nice fuze


Yes l like fuze of the genres , the bass is nice and jazzy , the lead has the rock for sure , together create the funk type sound high innergy l think over all it has a nice vibe decent enough transition like it

United States, Florida, ft lauderdale

Pysched up psychedelic rock


This is an awesome tune, that combines many different styles, an it will get ya dancing in ya seats. I hear a lil bit of Sly an the Family Stone, mixed wit Grand Funk Railroad, but in his own way of coming across. Great Job!!!!

United States, New Mexico, Clovis



I forget the name of the game but it gave me a vibe like I was tryna get to the next checkpoint to keep ma timer goin. Lol but all in all the tune to the beat was pretty coo this my third review it's the best one I've heard so far it was kinda jamming the guitars was goin crazy the organ or whatever dat was blended nice ofcourse wit da bass and that little ahh ahhh ahh had ma head nodding I liked it

United States, Arizona, PHOENIX

Gostei muito do arranjo...


Realmente quero dizer que Robert Watson está realmente de parabéns com belíssimo arranjo mantendo todo experimentalismo em sua música com essência psicodélica transformando obra prima

Brazil, São Paulo

Your Song..


Hello, i will rate your song today ... Feedback for your music. The song is well structured .. Clear sound and clear voice ... I will gladly give you 4 stars for your song. I will listen to more of your songs. Musical greetings

Germany, Frankfurt



Hi Robert and thank you for asking me to review , wow !! that's one energetic composition , I don't dance but it made me feel like jumping out of my seat and boogying . Luv the sound of that organ , Hamond maybe ? and the drums are nice and tight , really suits this genre , left guitar at first appeared to be a bit grainy / scratchy but as the song went on it kind of grew on me , right guitar is perfect in the mix , my only critique would be the Bass , its a bit woofy and dirties up the low end , could I suggest a mutiband squeeze from about 100htz just to tighten up and add clarity to that region otherwise this is a great song . Have you ever thought about collaborating with a vocalist ? some vocals could compliment this song greatly Great song mate ................................Squirty...............................

Australia, Brisbane

bass rock


bass rock con un ritmo accattivante basato sul basso che gira bene ricerca di cose nuove e bell'organo che gira in compenso questa strumentale non e' male penso che Robert sia un bassista

Italy, dalmine bg



I think it sounds cool reminds me of grand theft auto vice city, it has a nice upbeat tempo it’s fun and bright I get a Miami vice vibe from it, it’s also different in it’s own way keep up the good work

United States, Indiana, Moonlight Ridge

Vibe worthy


I love the old school funk vibe. It has that perfect funkadelic rhythm with the Booties swag bended right in. I believe when you apply the right vocals to it you could make the old souls and funk dudes feel alive again.

United States, Virginia, Waynesboro





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