Rob Gordon
Canada, Ontario, Stratford
About Rob Gordon
Hi, I’m Rob Gordon, a singer/songwriter, musician, engineer, producer from Stratford, Canada. Music is what sustains me and makes me whole. As far back as I can remember, I always had songs in my head. I thought everybody did. About the age of 11, my brother Al, got a drum for Christmas. He was not the least bit interested in this drum but I was fascinated with it and began playing it whenever the house was empty. In a few years I was playing in fledgling bands and loving it. My parents felt I was going in the wrong direction and sent me away to a private school. I was not deterred. The school was very strict and there was little time for music. So I made some. 'Lights out ' was mandatory at 10:30 PM sharp! Then they use to walk the halls to make sure we all obeyed. Well, we beat them, for a few years anyway. Like minded musician friends and I would get up at about 4AM when the 'security' was lax and go jam in the theater 'till close to breakfast. After a few years they caught on and I was essentially kicked out. I was free! I began playing in bands again and loving it. I traveled to England and back to Canada following the elusive dream. I've played in many bands, behind stars and strippers, in front of fans and drunks. I began teaching myself how to play guitar and keyboards so I could express the songs within me. I became disillusioned with touring, living from one hotel to the next. I wanted more from music but I seemed out of options, so I quit the whole music scene and went to live in an old farmhouse in the middle of the country where I began, in earnest, my guitar and keyboard playing. I met Billy Farrell who was just about to embark on writing a musical. When he learned of my musical background, he asked if I would be interested in co-writing it with him. I said I would if we could make it a rock musical and 'Song of the Forest' was born. The musical was a success and attracted financial backing for an album. This was my introduction to the studio. Through the help of Dave Barber, who had the highly respected Waxworks studio at the time, I learned the art of recording and studio musicianship. I then built my own studio and began writing, performing, engineering and producing my own demos for publishers. For a time my brother Al and I shopped songs into the country market. Our songs attracted the attention of some Nashville heavy weights and we traveled down to Nashville and Hendersonville to record and meet many interesting people and wonderful musicians. I also recorded many songs at Gary Hintz's studio in Kitchener and had many memorable times and, over the years, I'’v played and recorded with some of the greatest talent; Katalin Kiss, David Kalmusky, Charlie Robertson, Gary Hintz, Rocky Howell, Pat Riel, Daniel Davies, Kevin Gingrich, Robin Henry, Dave Barber, Randy Martin, Allen Hoffman, Toby Mathis, Rob Dice, James Anthony, Bill Farrell, Grant Heywood, Paul Shilton, Mark Willms, Earl Filsinger, Cathy Manherz, Igor and Jen Frankel. I have also worked closely with Tom Cratsley, a very talented teacher and healer from Lily Dale New York. Together we have created a number of meditation CDs.
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