hey all yall!
Howdy from Ontario,Canada!Now as God with His unique sense of "humour" had me progress from simply a songwriter/singer and networker to acohost and adjudicator on an internat`l vocal contest based out of Sweden but involving several countries....and then as a talent coordinator and a fillin cohost on a Canadian production straight out of Toronto!-Over time I had visualized somewhat quietly and tentatively what being a host or DJ would be like-2 weeks ago plus that became a reality-and though we are still working on the techical programming end of things we are pleased with what we have seen thus far.Strictly audio at this juncture-we have Rob G`s Eclectic Gospel Mix on the air!With music from several countries -a lot of whom I met through the two previous situations in the course of interviewing them.Any Music submissions can be sent to me at soultenor 35@gmail.com s5oradiolize.com/public/twylite_radio GBY and thanks for blessing me with your presence.RGR