Ron Madore
United States, South Carolina, Chesnee
About Ron Madore
Ron is a Singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Chesnee, South Carolina. He writes with a lot of soul and thrives when performing live on stage.... Most of his recordings emerge from his home studio, creating across several types of genres. "Wherever the jukebox in my head takes me at that moment"
Ron's voice is often labeled soulful smooth and bluesy.
Having played in bands along the east coast with Satyr, Tommy's Path, Symplicity to name a few, he performed for many fans from New Hampshire to Florida. "we traveled in a van a lot....even performed in a town during a hurricane with a generator!... The show must go on!"
Ron Madore often writes about relationships, emotions of love and the hardships within.... "I write what I think people relate to and feel in their souls. You can't go wrong with smiles and tears."
His music is different....take a listen and find out why...
Ron can be found at RonMadoremusic on FB ....... or on YouTube...
and ronmadore .net
Albums released:
1. Time Stands Still
2. Vision Quest
3. Southern Ice
New album for 2017 in the works!
Songs that received airplay in the USA:
Carolina Sand - Southern Ice Album
Deep N' Dirty - Vision Quest Album
Worn Out Heart - Vision Quest Album
Undress your Heart - Time Stands Still Album
Huge Thank you to N1M and those that took the time to listen, review and share!!
Under each song we have listed the associated video of song. Just click on "watch"
We will be posting new songs often. Hope you like!!
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Thank you for listening!!
Have a great day!!
Plays Today: 29
Total Plays: 34,586
Profile Views: 45,401
Subscribers: 500
Followers: 297
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