Song Reviews

Ross Edwards, "Thinking of You"

Ross Edwards' song, "Thinking of You," features his clear, high tenor voice and straightforward lyric, with a pleasing melody line and uncomplicated acoustic rhythm guitar. The refrain flows easily and memorably; you find yourself humming it after the song has ended.

United States, Idaho, CLARK FORK

Not bad, I like it

very mellowish . reminds me of the old music sound, good job! just maybe if you could tune to 432hz rather than A=440hz it would be a bit more natural sounding. just my 5c worth :)

Australia, palmerston

Thinking Of You


The quality of the acoustic guitar is absolutely lovely. The way your voice goes perfectly with your guitar playing is fantastic. Then the way you added those string instruments in the background really made me enjoy the piece even more. It gave the piece just want it needed to really have people enjoy it. Even without the strings instruments in the background the song is good alone but that really ties it all together. Well written and recorded song, I enjoyed it very much.

United States, California, Fontana

Taylor review

Ross thanks for invite to listen to this - really like it. The vocals are really haunting - a man after my own heart straightforward vocals and guitar. The strings work really well here ;-). Good work.

United Kingdom, Harrogate

Thinking of You

Cool track here... though I think with the 4 minute length this song could use a bridge - make the beginning shorter - less verses - get to the D change quicker. For a bridge... explore something starting with an F chord - or a B minor... depending on the vibe that strikes you. With a bridge and a slight re-arrangement this tune would be cool as is with the guitars and strings. But could take on a new dimension adding drums and bass... The good thing is you have options...

United States, Pennsylvania, Sodium City

Catchy song.

Cool, simple acoustic song. Without the strings, which I really like, could be listening in a small public room feel. Bridge into chorus could use a little attention and make smoother, maybe leave out the ending repetitive but overall catchy tune. Really good singing voice especially in the verses.

United States, Rhode Island, Exeter

Thinking Of You

Great voice. Bristol? Really?? I love a lot of aspects to this song, but would you consider co-writing someone? A little more harmonies and lyrical feedback one on one would make this.

Germany, Wiesloch

Sweet voice

Ross Edwards has the perfect voice for for this pop/folk tune, clear clean tonality/pitch is right on. The song itself is simple melodic and has some nice lyrical hooks. If I were producing this I would add bass, power pop drums and fat keyboard pads after the first verse/chorus. The outline is here for a great tune. If your goal is to release this on iTunes, feature the voice but support it with broader instrumentation. If your goal is to sell the tune, this arrangement conveys the basics of the song. Very nice tune.

United States, Wisconsin, Green Bay

Nice Song

I really liked the introduction. Your song then grew on me even more when the other instruments began to get involved it was like the song began to grow and get more substantial. Your voice really added a extra something, and really complemented the song. Was a real pleasure to listen too and review. I look forward to hearing a lot more of your music and a lot more about you in the future.. Thank you for sending me to review,I am now a big fan of yours!!!!!!

United Kingdom, Blackpool

Recorded well

First thing I noticed is that the recording of the song is very professional. Good vocals, and easy going melody. I really enjoy the rhythm of the guitar, it reminds me of how I play myself. Over all really enjoyed it. I can not give any feed back to make it any better than it is, except maybe a bridge that would mix the melody up a bit, maybe a little stronger, faster then slowing it back down again. I would suggest this to other people, and could hear it being played on the radio.

United States, California, Cottonwood

Thinking Of You

Very well put together love song. I think this song is great and has allot of heart and melody in it. I really like the words to this song and how it plays out. Well done Ross Edwards. I think you have a winner. Home Run!

United States, California, Sacramento

A Pretty Song

Clean, crisp vocals and a good voice. At about the half-way point when the violin comes in the song acquires a considerable amount more depth and becomes more interesting. Prior to that it feels like it falls a little short. I think some picking would liven it up and round it out nicely (or perhaps some secondary instrument). But certainly a pretty song.

Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg


your voice is good for this style, but the song is nothing special, u repeated the lesson of this style. the sound, mix-rate can acceptable, but sorry, this music style's melodies and rhythm-structure is too boring for me

United Kingdom, Coventry





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