Rustle Of Luv
3 years ago

Post COVID Post

What is Love?

Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds,

Being An Update On The Fortunes Of Luv Do I have to include everything on every post? Pictures, etc? I can't tell, so I do. This is one of those, "I'm so busy" jeremiads. I wanted everyone to know I listen to a lot of tracks here. What a bunch of great artists. I follow back. I doubt I've kept up. I look for the Networker insignia. I just pop in and share whoever is at the top of the notification list. I really appreciate being part of a community of music makers. As COVID winds down, I will have less time to interact at N1M.com. I will be setting up gigs and recording them, then posting those vids here. That will leave me less time to maintain this page, but I will be back very frequently. Just less-ish probably. For a minute. FYI Peace!





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