Building a Masterpiece
Hey saucy babes (this is currently my name for fans),
I have been busy with work but I wanted to let you know that I'm still making music. I've slowed down a bit to put more time into every track, so that they will be better than ever when they are released! As I've mentioned in the past, I am currently performing all aspects of creating every track, as I did previously on DIAMONDBACK Demo. I've learned a lot since then and it's a constant learning experience.
One of the things that I've learned is that most people don't appreciate the more toned down vocals I've experimented with on some tracks. I am generally very easy going and at least in my generation, I always perceived it as cool to be apathetic, but I've since decided that in music it can be too low energy for many tracks. I've adapted a new vocal style which I feel is more impassioned, as well as a bit edgy. I think you'll like it when I finish my upcoming EP.
It could be a few months before it's done. I haven't planned a long term time frame, I am just doing my best to make something that I feel is meaningful, rhythmic and danceable (I'm picking these words off the top of my head based on the musical direction I'm being drawn to). I really feel like my style is something new and that a lot of people will like it.
I haven't picked a name for the EP yet but the tracks I have in progress will make some people swoon. If you have a preference for a certain style or song, then feel free to send me a message through N1M or on other social media and I will be sure to consider making more music in a similar style. :)
Anyways, thanks so much for following! I am really appreciate you.
b.t.w. If you like my music, then you will probably enjoy my youtube channel: