I sincerely appreciate the Love and Support that you've shown. I'm currently in the Dungeon, digging into a Deeper Depth; soon to come out Fi'ed Up!!! Again, Thanks!
Having been released from prison (Georgia Dept. of Corrections), in 1991 for Armed Robbery, I moved to Pensacola, FL. to serve a 5-year Probation Term. I dealt crack and powdered cocaine, and marijuana. I used powder cocaine and marijuana; snorting cocaine for 3 years, and lacing marijuana with cocaine daily. I coped with life by remaining numb to the vices that had me bound. But GOD… May 19, 200
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I sincerely appreciate the Love and Support that you've shown. I'm currently in the Dungeon, digging into a Deeper Depth; soon to come out Fi'ed Up!!! Again, Thanks!