Song Reviews

Brano dolce e d'atmosfera


Come sempre Sal è coinvolgente con la sua musica,brano dolce e d'atmosfera ottimamente arrangiato ed eseguito con maestria e con degli ottimi soli.Grazie Sal per la buona musica che proponi e per chiedere la mia modesta opinione,ciao e buon lavoro.

Italy, Catania

The feeling...


I feel like I am drifting while listening to this song. Almost happy yet almost sad...I think it is true to Jazz and this song caused me to want to listen again. Very great decisions made on the chords which are always important to me since Piano is my first instrument. I feel like you are influenced by Joe Sample, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Herbert Hancock...Keep making thos beautiful Jazz music....Kim.

United States, Alabama, Huntsville



Great song! Great musicians! I liked it. Muy buenos músicos y el tema. Gracias por compartir este tema tan bonito. Muy buen sonido y balance de todos los instrumentos. Seguiré vuestro trabajo con mucha atención.

Spain, Madrid

Fantastic as always


Some great musicianship on display here yet again from the band. Very nice on the bass Sal. This is music that is easy on the ears; easy to get lost in. Very enjoyable and relaxing. Music is meant to evoke feeling and emotion and this most definitely does that. I am and will always remain a big fan of your music.

Australia, Brisbane



Excellent intro, blend, presentation, and delivery. A very welcoming approach by using the acoustic bass in that capacity. Well placed and authored guitar and keyboard solos carries this melody. A beautiful smooth track as everything is done very tastefully. Overall good composition, audio quality, musicianship, and content. I would not hesitate to purchase this song title as I find it to have tremendous marketing potential. Congratulations to all on a job well done.

United States, Illinois, Chicago

Tasteful and Inspiring

I felt like I was in an outside café in Europe on a beautiful sunny day. The music takes you to one of those special places. I felt both energized and relaxed.

United States, Michigan, Holland

high quality

Great musicians interacting with dynamics and sensitivity. Cool composition.keep up the high level music, it is much needed and respected in todays music.

Canada, Ontario, toronto

The first note of this music brings a smile to your face – it is everything you could want in a slow jazz groove. Just Beautiful!


From the first note I am immediately transported to “Cool Brazilian Nights” on a very delicate and relaxing slow samba influenced/ type melody, bass and rhythm tapestry. It is a very warm piece and the playfulness and intimacy between the instruments of the band is excellent. The bass and drums share the task of setting the background upon which the keyboard and saxophone do their argyle dances developing and sharing a simple but wonderful theme. I love the syncopated rhythms particularly in the bass line that to me sets the tone of the piece. There is a very subtle key and rhythm change near the middle of the piece that expertly announces a beautiful bass solo that is followed by an equally beautiful piano solo and improvisation. (The piano and bass play with each other –and there is brilliant classical jazz improvisation) A guitar type voice also joins the musical conversation at the end. This music starts with a smile and ends with a smile - cool relaxing Brazilian nights – everything you could want in a slow jazz groove. Just Beautiful!

Trinidad and Tobago, Diego Martin

can you say smooth?


from the moment I started to listen to this tune I knew it was going to be a rather smooth piece of music. I found myself closing my eyes and just enjoying the way all the instruments blended so ridiculously smooth together. I thoroughly enjoyed the solos throughout the piece as well from the guitar solo to the base to the piano etc. This type of music helps to clear the mind and ease the soul. Keep up the great work guys looking forward to hearing more from you

United States, Arizona, Scottsdale

smooth Progessive Jazz


Sal You have the feel and touch and ear for Upbeat Progessive Smooth Jazz you send the listener to your world and if they choose they do so if not you still go on the trip anyway a Personal Journey sort to say lovely breakdowns and dope intermissions to give the listener a full view of all elements of Jazz music a pure masterpiece

United States, Illinois, Chicago

Sal La Rocca's "OSUNA" !!!


Listening to this song puts me back when Jazz was "JAZZ" and it was all good! I think of Miles, Coltrane, George Shearing, etc. as it played. It evokes all sort of wonderful thoughts and emotions in it's harmonic and melodic expressions. I highly recommend this piece to all who enjoy 'good' music and can appreciate the work that must go into producing such an exquisite example of musical expertise!! Keep up the great work, Sal!

United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee



nice work, obviously, u don't want to reform the language of music/jazz sound, so accepting this, i am willing to enjoy your music with a glas of rose on any cool pub garden but i going to miss the few strange-weird sound (any effectation, preared piano - we live in the 21th :) or the drummer can uses any cow bell or any unidentifield objects)

United Kingdom, Coventry


This is definitely a suave and relaxing jazz tune. As one listens to OSUNA, one is entranced into a pleasurable tranquil state of being even in a chaotic situation. Although a bit repetitive, It still grabs you. Perhaps a little more change in the song form may or may not remix it to a greater Hit.

United States, Arizona, Phoenix

good work, nice song, the end looses it

starts movin after the first verse....piano work is should go somewhere about now ...picks up a bit....goes down...till it's capped...good work.....bass lost my interest a tad...It's got to be unique all the way repetition of a lick..that means never the same idea..again the piano comes in clear....I think he's probably the outstanding one...the leader of the band, You loose it in the bad riff and the really good song is nothing...I'm sorry that's the way I look at it...the end was forced and I'm sitting here where you've brought me to saying "for what"...when in fact see I enjoyed much of the song..good work men call it talent call it luck it's got to be a whole PEICE next time?

United States, Illinois, chicago





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