L.o.V.e (Say Hello 2 L.o)
United States, New York, Brooklyn

About L.o.V.e (Say Hello 2 L.o)
Faracon now known as (expired link) ((expired link) to most) started off with the group BMB (Block Money Boys) recording on a built in PC/MAC mic at the age of thirteen. He realized that music came as second nature to him but could not be his main focus at the time due to the hardships that came along with growing up in Sumner projects. During his free time (expired link) still composed songs and managed to create a fan base in his area.
(expired link) parted ways with BMB shortly after he began high school but continued his music journey by joining the marching, concert and jazz band. During his sophomore year he got an apartment and built his very own studio, bringing artists such as (expired link) & Bam together to form "The Arsenal." They would later branch off from one another but are all still creating different genres of music.
(expired link) continued to pursue his music career after graduating high school by performing in different venues and landing a job within the music industry as a audio technician and engineer. During this time he got a chance to meet Akon, Mobb Deep, Nelly and many other established or up and coming artist. He applied the vocal lessons he took on his free time with the knowledge he attained from watching established artists and applied it to his own craft.
(expired link) went on to sharpen his skills by attending Full Sail University for business/music management. During this time he also worked two jobs to support himself and his family. Unfortunately, (expired link) became ill and ended up on life support. During this time he was kicked out of school and was unable to work or talk for two months after waking up.
Facing some of the lowest points in his life did not stop (expired link) from pursuing his dreams. He would eventually pick himself back up and meet up with an old friend from high school that took him to Brooklyn United Marching band where he learned to play trombone. At BU he became part of a group called the God King Society (Brass Knuckles) and they would go out every weekend to play their horns, sing and rap at different venues.
With a rapidly growing fan base (expired link) decided to invest in his own studio again and get back into recording. He also joined FEDA Nation which is @fedanation. He would soon meet up with an old friend from the music industry inspiring him to put out new material. (expired link) has always believed in growth and this is his chance to show his growth to the world through music by dropping his upcoming project "The Ultimate Politician".
Stay tuned and say hello to (expired link) if you see him!!!
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