Along the way (album version)

Leave it all behind

Song Reviews

Sanfter Country Rpck

In den Klängen dieses Liedes offenbart sich ein harmonisches Werk, gewoben aus gut ausbalanciertem Sound und einer gelungenen Fusion von Down-Tempo Country Rock mit Easy Listening-Elementen. Die klangliche Synergie erstreckt sich wie ein sanfter Fluss durch das Gehör, und die Mischung erweist sich als ein fein abgestimmtes Kunstwerk. Der Song entfaltet seine musikalische Reise mit einer entspannten Atmosphäre, die gleichzeitig von einem Hauch von Easy Listening durchzogen ist. Diese musikalische Melange verleiht dem Stück eine Qualität, die sowohl ansprechend als auch beruhigend ist, wie der sanfte Rhythmus eines ruhigen Stroms. Die Vokalperformance trägt maßgeblich zum Gesamterlebnis bei. Jeder Ton, jeder Ausdruck ist wie ein Pinselstrich, der das emotionale Gemälde des Liedes perfekt akzentuiert. Insgesamt ist dieses Lied eine gelungene Symbiose aus Klang, Emotion und handwerklichem Können.

Austria, Vienna

Silence Lost

Nice opening reminiscent of Alice in Chains or that Seattle sound. Clear and understandable vocals with a crisp rimshot keeping time. Smooth harmony that helps to deliver the chorus hook and then another quick verse before a very tasty guitar solo that licks up every drop. Vintage tones accompany a steady drum beat as the story continues with more harmonies and yet another tender guitar line to close this introspective tune. Overall a great effort from Germany delivered in English

United States, Delaware, Wilmington

Well produced

This is a well produced, melodic blues. It slowly grows throughout the song, doesn't over-reach, but not so simple that it would be boring. Nice and moody. If that's up your alley, you'll like it!

Australia, Perth


I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

Keep Schnoed singing!


Schnoed is a German songwriter from Schweinfurt, with a special, nice voice that reminds me of Family sometimes. Well recorded songs, with background choir, for who is into the singer songwriter genre, here is something nice. Halfway the band comes in, and there's a simple electric solo. Schnoed shows we don't need a million chords to make our point. Blues aficionados will probably give him the same critique others got.

United States, California, Oakley

Nice Mix!


Nice clean, well-balanced mix. Nice tone int he voice. The song flows very smoothly and the playing on all the instruments is very tight. I like the solo. It fits the song perfect and gives it a Rolling Stones kind of vibe. If you splayed it a bit faster it would have a strong Stones vibe. Nicely done.

United States, Pennsylvania, Harrisburg

Your song is interesting ,

After listening to your music, i was in love with you and i know that its quite interesting to love the kind of music. i am very happy to listen to your music, i want to be there for you , i think about the kind of music and i have been able to sleep and listen to your songs, its very interesting. its something that i want to listen to over and over again , i have been playing in my car,

United States, Maryland, Bowie

Along the way

Nice classic rock intro. Vocals & guitar fit nicely. Lyrics also tell the story. My only complaint is the song could have been a full minute shorter. Most listeners attention span is not very long. Overall, not bad. Check it out for yourselves.

United States, Kentucky, Somerset

En chemin

Bonjour shnoed. Très bon morceau "en chemin", je te met sur ma page FB tu as du talent! continue à produire ta musique, les arrangements sont très bons. Bonne fin de semaine Cordialement Daniel D "INITIALS DD"

France, beauvais

Quality music


I was really impressed and so surprised with this song. I've heard some of your other music but this song seems different. I thought this song had a really good sound and seemed well put together. I really enjoyed it.

United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home

I like

I am thrilled to collaborate with so many artists like myself. Continue to strive for greatness like all of us. Thank you to this platform for giving us an opportunity to show and display our gifts and talents to the world

United States, Tennessee, Knoxville

Loved it

Loved the guitar, the lyrics, the music, and the whole song.. loved the classic and relaxed feel to it, glad to have come across it today :) Looking forward to hearing more and wishing you all the best!

Jordan, Amman

chtarra ritmica

chitarra ritmica che accompagna cantante compositore con una canzone un po strana con doppia voce femminile si ripete una strofa ed entra un'atra chitarra chr fa bei abbellimenti quasi come assolo la voce adesso e' un po arrabiata e il duetto ritorna e magati a qualcuno puo' piacere ma il mio parere e' che deve imigliorare la canzone l'autore. c'e' buona volonta' ma andra' meglio la prossima volta

Italy, dalmine bg



United States, New York, Brooklyn

cool song


Hi there in these special times, music is a language maybe most of people can geht some healing, joy and experience Kindes. So thanks for your song, expressions of yourself to Spread something out. Many greetings from northern germany, Judith M.

Germany, Schwerin


Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo Bravoooooooooooooooooooo

Unique singer songwriter effort

The rhytm section is not moving the song along at all, very flat. The guitar tone is good but very repetitive. The vocals are interesting, there is come confidence coming through and the vocal style is established. The lyrics are interesting and show emothion. The guitar solo is cool and unique, that is my favorite part of the song

United States, California, Los Osos

Along the way (album ver

wow nice .this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and ........ over.............................this the song was put together well is very unique..........................just love the way its sung the vocals and the drums were played perfectly........................... i can't say enough about this song .........................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.......................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank so much to letting me review your song you..again.************..............

United States, New York, Middle village

Along the way (album version)


Along the way lopes along, slow and steady, in it's own way. The electric guitar gives the song a destination of sorts to showcase the lyrics: life is a struggle with or without someone but having someone there makes it more painful when the end comes. The vocals are sincere and effective; notable for the effort more than the effect of a trained singer doing gymnastics and losing the feeling. The lead guitar thrusts itself in our face but contact is limited to what might have been, riffing along to a softened, inevitable conclusion of emptiness.

United States, Michigan, Grand Rapids

Alienation and Loss


Regret expressed in song can be powerful. Musically this song is tight and expressive. The lyrics clearly convey the essence of the theme. This song captures the gradual loss of intimacy as people grow apart over time and does it well. Nicely done.

United States, Mississippi, Madison

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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