My State of Being
My state of being is in a state of stalled. I'm landed at home. Stalled. I keep looking at my guitar and my little Blackstar and I keep looking at it. I've not been strong or creative not recording or writing so I'm glad of work that I did. Since last August when both my legs broke it's been nothing but reading about WWII and review and one painting from a dream I remembered where I was standing in my mother's yard with my naked girlfriend that I didn't know and had a divided face. It was nighttime. I made the painting.
Could be that painting is the happiest art. Could be.
I'm not going on tour. I am that weak. Maybe I would sit on a stage if I was paid enough to be propped up and my stuff for performing moved by stagehands. I had a show in mind the last time I performed, but the audience was very small and they were looking at their phones. I think one girl watched me. Actually that matters as enough.