
  • steve tollouch

    steve tollouch


    this si general gt consious reggae act from jamaica reday to to world on the reggae sceen and to do ant collab once the opperturnity present itself bless

  • Robyn Don Limitless

    Robyn Don Limitless


    Lyrics and melodies

  • Vicardo Wade aka KillBarz

    Vicardo Wade aka KillBarz


    Lets just say i was young child born in jamaica anf had moved to Canada at the age of four. I have been in love with music ever since i heard my first Micheal Jackson song "Beat It". From then the talents from dancing to singer manufested into poetry and then had set me a path towards rapping. I have had many influences in my life such as friends and family. My cousin and my auny used to bug me all the time to sing at family gatherings, girls asking me to sing, my boys setting up cypher encourage to drop some bars. I started rapping only as hobbie, but the better i got the more i realized it was time to make this a lifestyle and make this a priority next to family of course. Im always looking to work with new artist like me that are grinding. Im currently part of team called BMG. Which is consisted with a couple artist, but one artist ill throw out there, my brother Stardatprince. Been out from day one grinding so you know check him out he's on Youtube, Instagram, Soundcloud, soon to be on spotify and itunes so look out, also hes got two albums coming out just now so dont miss that also. But yea i used to live in regent park from the age of i think it was five or six then moved out when i was about fourteen or fifteen, moved ovee to the eaat end to the beaches area. My dad thought it was better for us you know because of all the stuff that was happening with and just the community itself in general ya know. But yea thw music i make is everything ive gone through whats soon to come and whats presently happening in my life. I strive only to get better and make the people around me better.

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  • mrflava

    My latest song: Mi Deh Yah-Mr flava

    This is my latest song (Mi Deh Yah) asking for your feedback on this one. thanks for listening...

    ISLAND BOY EP Good day/night everyone. I recently dropped an EP titled ISLAND BOY with a collaboration from non other than international reggae singer Gyptian. Feel free to take a listen of my styles and versatility. A good dancehall and reggae vibe in which I hope you all enjoy. Best regards, IICE COLDD.
  • mrflava

    Mi Deh Yah-Mr flava

    This song is hiphop/dancehall "Mr flava" a reggae/dancehall artiste on a hip hop beat...this song is a blast!! looking for your's been awhile since i haven't dropped a song....will drop anothe one pretty soon....thanks for listening Mr flava.
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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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