eja slade
NEW LOVER video Premieres NOW!!! i have been running my fantasy through AI video chat gpt prompt to create the footage, hope you enjoy my friends! and also thankful to CottonBro Studio and the pexels community! #music #pop #trance #electro #NewMusic2025 #newmusicalert #NowPlaying #bestsongheardtoday Single drops on all portals worldwide 25 of january 2025!! Let me know what you think and share it please? Thanks Marianne
Hello my friends, I want to share to you my latest thought provoking #pop/#rock /#hiphop crossover single which will be out 27th of september on all portals, here is the brandnew home made video ???? hope y'all enjoy! please follow&like and comment! sending you all my love, Marianne
Please vote for me in the ISSA songwriter awards: poll-maker.com/Q3LWDQA99 The voting for the ISSA Songwriting awards have started! Please vote everyday until 30 april for me? thanks so much! *International Female vocalist of the year 2024 - Marianne Vedder *Rising star- Marianne Vedder *Songwriter of the year 2024 -Marianne Vedder *Emerging Artist -Marianne Vedder One vote per day, per device (cell phone, laptop, tablet, etc) per I.P. address is allowed.