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  • Young Promiss

    Young Promiss


  • WrkNEdits


    Ad Music composer

    Depending on the length, subject matter, and elements you are looking for, I'd be happy to send over some music. Please let me know if you are interested.

  • Ian


    Bassist Drummer Guitarist Pianist Vocalist

    Multi-Insturmentalist Vocals Guitar Drums Bass Piano Producing Engineering Filing Editing Writing Creativity

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  • wrknedits

    Another New Video is up!

    I'm posting a video, every two weeks, so check it out. I appreciate it, and it helps tremendously when you like, comment, and subscribe.
  • wrknedits

    Tempest Seven

    This is another new video for you to check out and enjoy. Don't forget to like and subscribe on the YouTube channel, and to check out the links on the You Tube channel home page!
  • wrknedits

    A New Album has Dropped

    "Evidence" is live on the streaming channels. Please like and Subscribe to the YouTube channel to stay current. I will continue to drop links and updates there first.
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