Serious Nubian
1 year ago

Going To Have To Invest In Some New Gear

Digital Album Download

Yes and welcome back to yet another Podcast Episode of The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions. I am a bit late posting this episode though had some errands to take care of like running my wife back and forth to work and picking her up after work due to there being a bus strike in the city of Hamilton like there service is so great, to begin with so I didn't get much time in between to do stuff like making Music or finishing this Podcast. But apparently the bus drivers managed to come to an agreement with the suits and went back to work on Friday. Just in time for the Grey Cup ,Gee ! how convenient. Imagine all the chaos if they had'nt come to any type of an agreement and it hadn't been resolved. Just as well bloody hate driving thru Hamilton down town can't stand it .Anyway, my Recording Studio is down at present due to issues with the bloody audio dropping out at the most inconvenient times mainly while in the middle of recording or making a Podcast. Its bloody annoying so I'm going to have to get it sorted probably some upgrades with the interface or something I'll get it done I ''ve been working out new tracks to be recorded but they're just in the chord stages at the moment nothing is arranged yet so I'm getting the urge to start playing and recording despite the technical setbacks. Oh yeah forgot to mention all my music from the albums will also be available in CD format as well as a Digital Download but that won't be until well into the new year. Still working on a new Music Project called The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra that will be out in the middle of next year also. www.seriousnubian.com www.seriousnubian.bandcamp.com https://www.reverbnation.com/seriousnubian https://www.jango.com/music/Serious+Nubian https://www.n1m.com/seriousnubian https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/once-in-a-blue-moon https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/trying-times https://www.seriousnubian.com/new-products-merchandise https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.patreon.com/marcusdavis2021 https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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