I feel a new song coming!!!
Posted at 2015-03-27
Posted at 2015-03-27

Hey everyone, so what did you think of the last two songs that I launched upon you, Skulls and crossbones and All my life?
I have miss Nixie in town so that Candys kiss duet is on like donkey kong and I have another song written which will also include her and it's a corker. Sorry I took a bit of a break there I bet you were all worried when I went so quiet but unfortunately I am back hahaha.
A biig hello to all my newest subscribers and wow there are a lot of you and as always a big thankyou to all my faithfulls that have stuck around waiting for more. I hope you all have an awesome month filled with great music and happiness with a sprinkling of good health.
Take care my friends
Neil x