S. Hunter
10 years ago

S. Hunter News Letter October 2014!

Hello everyone! And Happy October! At this current time, I have 202 of you on my Mailing List, and I want to thank everyone of you for Subscribing! I also appreciate all the Feedback on my Music. It's wonderful to hear back from you. I am Happy to announce that 'Love Tonight' has become #1 on the Charts for the state of Indiana for the Last Week!! This is a Major Milestone, and really means allot. And I could not have done this without You! As an Artist (Composer and Producer), I am coming up with New Material quite often. In fact, I have a New Song out now on SoundCloud, called Triumph in the Jungle. It's a song, which I started working on a couple years ago, but wasn't entirely happy with it. Until recently, I figured it out and Finally finished it! Mission Accomplished! You can Listen Here: https://soundcloud.com/steve-hunter-4/triumph-in-the-junglemissionaccomplished If you haven't noticed, my Music doesn't have Vocals. (Except of course my Remixes I've done) Some of my music isn't supposed to, like my songs 'Rain Dance' and 'The-Zone'. But many others I think would be even better with Vocals. I have written vocals for 'Love Tonight', and have some lyrics for 'Teach Me How to Fly'. As a Composer and Producer, I am looking for Vocalists to work with, and make Music together. :^) And as some of you may know, N1M has limited me to 3 Songs. But no worries - I have all my Other Songs on SoundCloud.com. ••> https://soundcloud.com/steve-hunter-4 I have just recently been presented with an Opportunity to be in a Remix Contest for Indaba Music, and I am considering taking part in it. I will Update you with Information on this. I have been in several Remix Contests in the past, which I have posted on my SoundCloud.com Page above. Two of them I totally did for fun. (Wrecking Ball and a cover for Diamonds In the Sky) And believe it or not, my first remix that I did was totally for fun. You can check it out on my ReverbNation.com Profile: (But I have to warn you - It was my FIRST, and wasn't as good as I wanted it to sound, since I didn't have the actual Vocal-Stems) But here it is: ••> http://www.reverbnation.com/stevehunter/song/12144784--set-fire-to-rain-shunter-remix I Really want to reach out to as many people as I can. My Goal is to find Vocalists to work with, to Officially Complete at least One of my Songs, notably 'Teach Me How to Fly'. And then, I want to Present it to Professions in the Music Industry. I want to make this dream a Reality. There are many Talented Artists out there who compose and even produce music. But I believe I have the passion and the talent to Compose Music for the rest of my life. If you would like to Collaborate with me in any of my music projects, or have any Questions or Comments, Feel Free to Contact me at: steve.mhunter@yahoo.com If you would like to checkout ALL of my Music, here are a couple of Links: • www.soundcloud.com/steve-hunter-4 • www.reverbnation.com/stevehunter/ • www.indabamusic.com/people/137871331?tab=overview I really appreciate all of your Feedback and Support! And once again, thank you for subscribing!! :^) - S. Hunter

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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