Sista Karen
United States, Connecticut, Stamford

About Sista Karen
Born and raised in Hartford Connecticut, Karen has pursued a hobby in singing Gospel music and theatrical storytelling. Her special talent and love for African storytelling and culture led her to pursue the art of storytelling. Karen learned from her childhood that everyone has a story to be told. Karen’s story was “Butterflies Should Be Free” as she had vowed to never forget the story and wrote it. She had shared that story throughout her life, and realized the story was growing. The celebration of Black History Month and Rev Dr. Martin L, King Jr. Day had given Karen the vehicle to share the story with more profundity. Karen’s family was the first black family to live on the north end of Hartford and her family is familiar with storytelling as it was shared in family’s gatherings. Karen had also lived on the South end of Hartford in Dutch Point, a community housing; where the birth of “Butterflies Should be Free” became her story.
Karen Johnson is an independent artist, writer, performer, and storyteller. As a freelance performer, productions and primarily comprised of original works that combine storytelling with songs and poetry. Karen’s Culture concerts synchronization Acoustic as a storytelling highly successful with her day to day life’s approaches and introducing the music songs form of her native birthright the art of storytelling with concerts of culture sound. Karen believes when they say you can’t, try never giving up until your try gets better and your better becomes your best. Bringing it to the stage with soundtrack or a full pieces band, shows this story telling artist in a light that is just astounding. As a follower of the legendary Bob Marley and Culture Roots Jah Shaka, Karen has felt the strength of a lion and studying Bob’s creation and Jah Shaka’s sounds has inspired her to find the balance in her creation of culture music of storytelling festivals. Karen presents in concerts forms of theatrical expression in the Art of Storytelling. She currently has projects recorded on master CDs, which feature songs and stories based on original manuscripts. Karen has performed with other artists in a variety of venues throughout Connecticut. Karen’s service has been incorporated into community festivals, holiday celebrations, cultural and visual programs arts, Kwanzaa and black history month lesson, national storytelling, seminars and family events such as cookouts, and dinner parties. She has dedicated her volunteer services to community events and her performance arts has enable her to donate time and talent to further support successful fundraising events.
Karen holds a Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education from Gateway Community College of New Haven Connecticut. She also attended the University of Hartford College for Women's Small Business Entrepreneurial course. Karen knew about the fine point from her great grandmother Dorothy Jackson who shown her knitting details. Dorothy Jackson was also a performing artist who opened shows for Sammy Davis Sr. and Sammy Davis Jr. Author Ella Mazel, of the Yellow Book, “And Don’t Call Me a Racist”, had proofread two of her stories and took interest in her writing style. Karen recently published a children's book “Baba, the Farmer” (published by AuthorHouse), which can be found online.
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